Thursday, October 01, 2009

Some ECW matches

Kid Kash vs CW Anderson November 2 Remember 1999

CW Anderson, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger are beating down Joey Mathews and Christian ork. Which brings out Kid Kash for the save. This is a really hot crowd. Kash runs across the ring and does that thing where he leaps off Jim Molinox(how ever you spell it.) to the outside in a spectacular dive.

There are things you could pick apart here if you wanted to, but I can't say I care. These guys went a 100 miles an hour and put on a great show. Like CW destroying Kash's arm with a bunch of cool stuff. Kash did not sell it for too long but it was hard to notice since they were back at it again. Lots of back and forth over the top stuff. One thing I like was that both guys were selling all the big spots and not popping up immediately.

Later CW bust out a delayed superplex which looked amazing. After that there is a near fall sequence concluding with CW hitting the spinebuster which still does not put Kash down. CW is one of two guys this decade who could make the spinebuster look like a finisher.

Kash goes for the money maker but CW blocksm but Kash reverses into the finish.

Loved this match. These guys should of become more than they did. Its just really bad timing with ECW closing then WCW following three months later. These guys were not established enough to get into the WWF and then the WWF had the combined WWF and WCW rosters including the top ECW guys.

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