10. Shane Douglas & Ricky Steamboat vs. Barry Windham & Brian Pillman (12/28/92 - Starrcade '92 - NWA/WCW Tag Titles) God... these were the days of nice long tag matches when they could take your time, build a match, keep the crowd into it, and slowly at home you realize you're watching something special rather than being hit over the head with it. Barry, Ricky and Pillman were so damn good back here that they could carry vanilla window dressing like Shane to a classic. Barry & Pillman would have made a exceptional rudo team, but the promotion had Barry pointed in the dirction of the NWA Title and Pillman was a short time away from the Blonds... neither of which were bad moves. People who are putting matches like Benoit & Malenko vs. Raven & Saturn or the Windhams on their list don't know what they missed - this was real NWA tag team wrestling, where "face-in-peril" was a life and death experience in great matches.