Ike Simmons walked past me like I did not exist. In the middle of this the Planetary Tag Team title match has started. Need to go check on the Chickens before I finish getting ready. Bantam just got out of the shower. It is always strange seeing him in people clothes. I go up and ask
"What happened to you guys?"
"Well we made it pretty far in the battle royal. At the end it was us Psycho Chickens vs Karmageddon vs Scissor Mask and X-ILE. We are getting beaten on pretty bad. Karmageddon wanted to hurt us bad. Scissor and X-ILE sat by mocking us. They are ready to hit Rooster with the "Reincarnator Number #3" but Rooster reverses it into a DDT of his own. We take the chance to hit Anjo (of Karmageddon) with the "peck and scratch" and eliminate them. Fans are going nuts when Karmageddon took my head off, memory is a bit fuzzy after that. Last thing I remember is seeing X-ILE and Scissor Mask hitting Rooster with a double superkick that The Amazing Tuxedo's use to do.
I came to my senses when I got to the back. Now I gotta go see Rooster at the hospital."
"Oh gee I'm sorry. I hope he is okay."
"Hey WE'RE THE PSYCHO CHICKENS!!!! CocadoodleDOOOM!!!!!!!! Sorry we are gonna miss seeing you win the title. Peck Pugsley in the eye for me."
"Uh sure thing."
Bantam then pecked some invisible birdseed out of my hand. Almost like Bantam is catching the slack for Rooster being gone.
Hit the locker room and I see Bingwen talking to Bleached Evil. Bingwen's hair is messed up and he has clearly not slept in 48 hours. Need to find out what happened to him but Diamond Phil comes in and his eye is already swollen up.
"You vs Violator is next!!!"
Guess DINOWARRIORS made short work of those two. Get ready quickly and I open up the Package I got yesterday from Mrs.Mask: Tailor to the pros. It is my new Overdog mask. Mrs.M does good work, looks way better than the old one.
I hear the most obnoxious laughing and yelling and I can't believe it......
Scissor Mask and X-ILE are the tag team champions. How? How could this happen? X-ILE and Scissor Mask are good wrestlers. X-ILE is great at times. But the DINOWARRIORS are legends. They once pinned Ransom Fortune in a tag team match in Guam. They had to hit him with a chair, table, their shoulderpads and shoot him with a roman candle in the face and hit Total Extinction four times to do it. How could those two beat DinoWar.
Scissor Mask speaks up first.
"Why are you so surprised loser? Just because you beat me the same day I had a 130 degree temperature and my mom died and you pin me on a fluke, does not mean I'm not three times the wrestler you are. Besides I'm a former W*RE Unde..."
X-ILE steps in
Just like I'm a three time Westcoast Heritage champion, tag team champion and I nev..."
Masked Confederate interrupts X-ILE.
"Of causs you neva loss tha belt boy. You just needed a livin le..."
Now Scissor Mask is interrupting Confederate.
"A Living Legend like the Great Masked Confederate who wrestled the WORLD over."
Confederate looks a bif miffed even thru the mask.
"Um yeah well look loosa we goin ta party to celebrate our big win and youse gettin beat by that fat ol Violata."
I swear Confederate slips into a Brooklyn accent at times.
It's Diamond Phil again. He looks furious. I see Scissor Mask, X-ILE and the Confederate walk away and they seem to be arguing and whispering.
So later found out details of the match from the Screaming Cowboy. DINOWARRIORS were dominating. They were going to hit Total Extinction when Confederate attacked the DINO's valet Alosaur. Carnivore goes to help but eats a double superkick a scissorkick and the X-ILE Song. Still can't believe they won.
I better go now.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 18
I'm backstage at the pay per view. It's being held in Las Vegas. Well i guess that is obvious being called Royal flush. Been in Vegas for three days. Did some interviews with some small TV stations and newspapers to promote the show.
The Chickens and Bingwen took me out to the casino. Before we left they got me a gift. I open it and see a brand new ring jacket. Its orange, black and white. Back has an airbrushed pic of my logo. I'm touched, I have great friends.
At the casino Bingwen won 5,000 dollars in an hour playing blackjack. Then he got accused of counting cards. Turned into a bad scene when a bouncer got the purple mist. I had to stop Bingwen from kicking his head off. Cops showed up but technically poison mist is not legally defined as a weapon. It helped they recognized us from TV.
BingWen has been acting oddly the last two weeks. I have not teamed with him as much lately. The other day I saw he rode to the show with Hemisphere champion Bleached Evil. That guy is almost as weird as the Embalmer. He has this white fried hair and wears various bizarre outfits. This one time me and the chickens wrestled him and his followers Free Fall (Johnny Cocaine and Ron Dynabull) after we lost they gave me a bleach bath. Eyes burned for a week. Ruined my other mask.
Speaking of Freefall they were suppose to wrestle DinoWar for the W*RE Planetary tag belts. But Ron Dynabull pulled a muscle in his back. So the owner said there would be a tag team battle royal on Sunday Night Torn. The Psycho Chickens are really excited. Rooster is crowing and pecking at the walls. Bantam tells me I inspired them. All of a sudden the Masked Confederate interrupted us.
"Look if it ain tha loosa. Hope ya enjoy working on a pay pa view. after Violata gets done with you they is gon scrape you off a tha mat."
"Uh sir is there anything you want I was talking to..."
"Anotha loosa like you. Don be gettin too excited about winnin no battle roya little chick. See the Confederate done put himself a team togetha."
I wonder who would work with the Masked Confederate?
Bantam pulls Rooster off the table and goes to the ring. All the team are out there and I wonder where Confederate's team is. Then I hear it "Snip snip Snip X-ILE!!!!!" Confederate is leading X-Ile and Scissor Mask to the ring. The Chickens actually eliminate Skull-1 and Death-Rock. Skull-1 had tried to double clothesline them but they ducked and hit a double crusher then hit the double peck to knock him out of the ring.
I'm excited for them. Wanna watch the rest of the match but Diamond Phil needs to talk.
"Okay you and Violator are wrestling in the second match. Referee will be Milton Lafred. Milton is a little lenient on fighting outside the ring BUT DO NOT PUSH YOUR LUCK."
Geez he did not need to bite my head off like that. It's not like I'm Murder-Ranger or Ahab the Carver.
Get to the curtain and Bantam has blood all over him and Rooster is on a stretcher. Look in the ring and Scissor Mask and X-IlE are celebrating with the Confederate. Before I can get any details i hear this loud commotion. Run over and Ike Simmons is on the ground being treated by EMT's. I try to find out what happened when I hear a weezing sound.
"SNORT, yeah my buddy Embalmer took it to Icky Simmons. Walloped him with a chair then tossed embalming fluid in his eyes. The W*RE belt is in the bag. Because that's where Embalmer put it after beating Simmons up." After that Violator shoved me into the wall. Was about to hit him when Diamond Phil said "Don't even think about it. We have enough problems right now." Ike Simmons got up and punched Diamond Phil and threw Ricky Hicks into the wall.
I'm backstage at the pay per view. It's being held in Las Vegas. Well i guess that is obvious being called Royal flush. Been in Vegas for three days. Did some interviews with some small TV stations and newspapers to promote the show.
The Chickens and Bingwen took me out to the casino. Before we left they got me a gift. I open it and see a brand new ring jacket. Its orange, black and white. Back has an airbrushed pic of my logo. I'm touched, I have great friends.
At the casino Bingwen won 5,000 dollars in an hour playing blackjack. Then he got accused of counting cards. Turned into a bad scene when a bouncer got the purple mist. I had to stop Bingwen from kicking his head off. Cops showed up but technically poison mist is not legally defined as a weapon. It helped they recognized us from TV.
BingWen has been acting oddly the last two weeks. I have not teamed with him as much lately. The other day I saw he rode to the show with Hemisphere champion Bleached Evil. That guy is almost as weird as the Embalmer. He has this white fried hair and wears various bizarre outfits. This one time me and the chickens wrestled him and his followers Free Fall (Johnny Cocaine and Ron Dynabull) after we lost they gave me a bleach bath. Eyes burned for a week. Ruined my other mask.
Speaking of Freefall they were suppose to wrestle DinoWar for the W*RE Planetary tag belts. But Ron Dynabull pulled a muscle in his back. So the owner said there would be a tag team battle royal on Sunday Night Torn. The Psycho Chickens are really excited. Rooster is crowing and pecking at the walls. Bantam tells me I inspired them. All of a sudden the Masked Confederate interrupted us.
"Look if it ain tha loosa. Hope ya enjoy working on a pay pa view. after Violata gets done with you they is gon scrape you off a tha mat."
"Uh sir is there anything you want I was talking to..."
"Anotha loosa like you. Don be gettin too excited about winnin no battle roya little chick. See the Confederate done put himself a team togetha."
I wonder who would work with the Masked Confederate?
Bantam pulls Rooster off the table and goes to the ring. All the team are out there and I wonder where Confederate's team is. Then I hear it "Snip snip Snip X-ILE!!!!!" Confederate is leading X-Ile and Scissor Mask to the ring. The Chickens actually eliminate Skull-1 and Death-Rock. Skull-1 had tried to double clothesline them but they ducked and hit a double crusher then hit the double peck to knock him out of the ring.
I'm excited for them. Wanna watch the rest of the match but Diamond Phil needs to talk.
"Okay you and Violator are wrestling in the second match. Referee will be Milton Lafred. Milton is a little lenient on fighting outside the ring BUT DO NOT PUSH YOUR LUCK."
Geez he did not need to bite my head off like that. It's not like I'm Murder-Ranger or Ahab the Carver.
Get to the curtain and Bantam has blood all over him and Rooster is on a stretcher. Look in the ring and Scissor Mask and X-IlE are celebrating with the Confederate. Before I can get any details i hear this loud commotion. Run over and Ike Simmons is on the ground being treated by EMT's. I try to find out what happened when I hear a weezing sound.
"SNORT, yeah my buddy Embalmer took it to Icky Simmons. Walloped him with a chair then tossed embalming fluid in his eyes. The W*RE belt is in the bag. Because that's where Embalmer put it after beating Simmons up." After that Violator shoved me into the wall. Was about to hit him when Diamond Phil said "Don't even think about it. We have enough problems right now." Ike Simmons got up and punched Diamond Phil and threw Ricky Hicks into the wall.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 17
"Excuse me Overdog?"
"I'm not the Overdog."
"Is your name Greg Richards?"
"Uh yes it is sir."
"According to my sources you're the Overdog."
"Who are you?
"My name is Albert Bills. I'm..."
"A reporter for Pro Wrestling Eye."
I have been reading Pro wrestling Eye since I was 7 years old. First time I saw a wrestling magazine I was with my mom at Food Store. I look and saw a magazine cover with Sergent Sargent stabbing Ransom Fortune with part of a bayonet. The shock of seeing all that blood thrilled me. I accidentally stole it. i was reading it and Mom said time to go. I just read it out the door. I was halfway home when I realized I took it.
I should of recognized Mr.Bills faster. Really distinct looking guy. He looks like Sam the Eagle from the Muppet Show. I see him backstage at the shows all the time and at ringside. Guess I did not expect to be recognized. Also why would he want to talk to me?
PWEYE: OverDog I'm interested in writing an article about your blood feud with Violator.
Overdog:Blood feud?
PWEYE:Did you get cut open by Violator on national TV?
Overdog:Well yeah.
PWEYE:Did you give Violator a concussion that same night.
Overdog:Well yeah but...
PWEYEThat That is what we at PWEYE call a blood feud.
Overdog:I guess you got me there.
PWEYE:Overdog you are becoming quite the sensation. You have been burning up the chatrooms on AOL and Compuserve. Lot of people are really interested in seeing you win the WCH title.
Overdog:Wow Compuserve?
PWEYE:How do you think you'll fare at Royal flush?
Overdog:Well sir I think I'm going to win. As a wrestler I have to have full faith in my skill and technique."
PWEYE:If you win the West Coast Heritage Championship is that just the beginning for you?
Overdog:What do you mean?
PWEYE:Would you use the West Coast belt to attempt to get a shot at Bleached Evil's Western Hemisphere belt?
Overdog:Well sure I would like that.
PWEYE:The Western Hemisphere Champion is the default number one contender to the W*Re Planetary champion Ike Simmons.
PWEYE:So you would like to be the Heavyweight Champion of the Planet?
Overdog:Well of course I would but I have to focus on beating Violator. Winning another belt is a long time from now.
PWEYE:Overdog it has been a pleasure talking to you.
That was a lot of fun. Mr.Bills was a real gentlemen.
Head by Drug Rite to grab a case of Sprite. Janet walks over and gives me a hug and kisses my cheek. She tells me how much she misses me and that she wants us to get back together. Was not expecting that. i was just hoping my coupon for the Reece Cup would be honored.I head back To the apartment and I'm on top of the world.
Few days later as I'm packing my stuff. I get my copy of PWEYE weekly. The cover has me standing in front of a bloody Ike Simmons. The Headline reads
"Cry of the Overdog. first the West Coast next the Planet."
Still can't believe I'm the talk of Compuserve.
"Excuse me Overdog?"
"I'm not the Overdog."
"Is your name Greg Richards?"
"Uh yes it is sir."
"According to my sources you're the Overdog."
"Who are you?
"My name is Albert Bills. I'm..."
"A reporter for Pro Wrestling Eye."
I have been reading Pro wrestling Eye since I was 7 years old. First time I saw a wrestling magazine I was with my mom at Food Store. I look and saw a magazine cover with Sergent Sargent stabbing Ransom Fortune with part of a bayonet. The shock of seeing all that blood thrilled me. I accidentally stole it. i was reading it and Mom said time to go. I just read it out the door. I was halfway home when I realized I took it.
I should of recognized Mr.Bills faster. Really distinct looking guy. He looks like Sam the Eagle from the Muppet Show. I see him backstage at the shows all the time and at ringside. Guess I did not expect to be recognized. Also why would he want to talk to me?
PWEYE: OverDog I'm interested in writing an article about your blood feud with Violator.
Overdog:Blood feud?
PWEYE:Did you get cut open by Violator on national TV?
Overdog:Well yeah.
PWEYE:Did you give Violator a concussion that same night.
Overdog:Well yeah but...
PWEYEThat That is what we at PWEYE call a blood feud.
Overdog:I guess you got me there.
PWEYE:Overdog you are becoming quite the sensation. You have been burning up the chatrooms on AOL and Compuserve. Lot of people are really interested in seeing you win the WCH title.
Overdog:Wow Compuserve?
PWEYE:How do you think you'll fare at Royal flush?
Overdog:Well sir I think I'm going to win. As a wrestler I have to have full faith in my skill and technique."
PWEYE:If you win the West Coast Heritage Championship is that just the beginning for you?
Overdog:What do you mean?
PWEYE:Would you use the West Coast belt to attempt to get a shot at Bleached Evil's Western Hemisphere belt?
Overdog:Well sure I would like that.
PWEYE:The Western Hemisphere Champion is the default number one contender to the W*Re Planetary champion Ike Simmons.
PWEYE:So you would like to be the Heavyweight Champion of the Planet?
Overdog:Well of course I would but I have to focus on beating Violator. Winning another belt is a long time from now.
PWEYE:Overdog it has been a pleasure talking to you.
That was a lot of fun. Mr.Bills was a real gentlemen.
Head by Drug Rite to grab a case of Sprite. Janet walks over and gives me a hug and kisses my cheek. She tells me how much she misses me and that she wants us to get back together. Was not expecting that. i was just hoping my coupon for the Reece Cup would be honored.I head back To the apartment and I'm on top of the world.
Few days later as I'm packing my stuff. I get my copy of PWEYE weekly. The cover has me standing in front of a bloody Ike Simmons. The Headline reads
"Cry of the Overdog. first the West Coast next the Planet."
Still can't believe I'm the talk of Compuserve.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 16
After the show in Guntersville I had a few days off. I still needed to work out and start getting some better technique. I usually work out at home with the weight set I got when I was 12. But for this kind of training I'm going to need a ring. I decide I need to hit the Power House. The wrestling school I trained at when I was 17. Pro Wrestling is a hard sport to break into, regardless of your talent or size. It is difficult to even find a school. I tried for over a year to get trained. I would go to indy shows but the guys always pretended like they were not trained.
One day I was reading an issue of Wrestling Stars magazine and saw this tiny ad underneath an ad for apartment wrestling tapes. Watched one of those tapes with Bantam once. They seemed like nice girls but they had terrible technique. Anyway this ad read
"Fame, Fortune, the thrill of competition, the satisfaction of sportsmanship!!! Join the Power House and learn the art of pro wrestling from two former stars."
Well I called right away and heard there was a 1,000 dollar fee. I had to sale all my copies of New Mutants #87 and X-Force number #1. That got me twenty five bucks so I had to sell my copy of Uncanny X-Men #14. First appearance of the Juggernaut. Broke my heart to sell it but between that and my savings bond from Grammy Richards I was going to wrestling school.
My teachers were
Paul "Power" Plant: He was a strong man who wrestled in the 1960s. 6ft2 300 pounds of muscle. He once wrestled in MSG against Leonardo Bernardi. He has all sorts of clippings up around the gym. He put a real sense of fair play in me. Even if I could not put a lot of his technique to use.
Tom "Tiny" Woods: He was a midget wrestler. Hope I'm not insensitive that was the term back then. Anyway he was former Rhode Island Midget champion. His most famous match was wrestling Chief Little Giant in the semi main event at the only World Series of midget wrestling. He tried to teach the virtues of occasionally fighting dirty. Though the stuff he taught me was not much use to either.
The gym looks about the same as I remember from the outside. When I go inside, I can't believe my eyes. There are posters of me/the Overdog everywhere. Posters and promo pics that I thought were never released. Each one with signs saying "Honored alumni." I'm in shock when a group of young guys in gym uniforms run over to me.
"Oh wow its the Overdog!!!"
"See Curtis I told you the Overdog would visit!!!"
"Is it true you're the third Overdog and the original is ftozen and the second is cremated??!!??"
"Are you stupid that's an internet rumor. Now he is gonna think we're dumb."
"Don't call me dumb fatass!!!"
"Don't call me fatass you pirate!!!"
"What do you mean pirate????"
"Well you do have a sunken chest!!!"
Well I know that voice. Its Mr.Woods himself. I don't see him til he slowly walks around the ring pushing a tiny walker.
"Mr.Woods its me Greg."
"Oh I know you Greg. Our greatest accomplishment. How onederful to see yuu. Yuu really gave it to that creep Violata. I was so proud of you."
"Well I wasn't coughcough..."
I see Paul "Power" Plant leaving his office. He does not look like the poster on the wall. Actually doesn't look like I remember him from two years ago. He's dragging a tank of oxygen.
"Mr.Plant I'm sorry. But...."
"Oh don't coughcoughcough... Apologize son. You got a good heart. Just the King Beantaco. He is a bad cough cough cough... Influence.
Tiny Woods stands up for me.
"Whats he suppose to do Paul. Let that fatso sit all on him. You gotta fight dirty to get by!!!! He can'na just do five forearms and pose!!!"
"Oh and I suppose he could just bite him on the keister and he'll go away."
"Again with that. Its as psychilogical as it is painful. You know that."
"Yeah i got the teeth marks to prove it hahahacoughcoughhahaspit!!!"
They get along as well as I remember. Never seen a pair of friends who were closer. I speak up
"Um sirs, I have a title match coming up at Royal Flush."
Tiny speaks
"We know we're proud of you kid,"
"Well I'm scared and maybe you could teach me some new techniques like a a four fifty splash or a shooting star press or maybe a Texas Cloverleaf?"
Paul jumps in
"What do you need junk like thata for? I taught you the clubbing forearm, the bearhug coughcoughcough and the a overheada backbreaker."
Tiny says
"Yeah i taught ys the row boat, the airplane spin and biting on the keister when he hides in the ropes. What else do ya need?"
"Well that's okay I guess. Could I possibly use your ring to run some drills. the floor in my apartment is killing me."
Tiny speaks
"Sure sure sure kid. Use our students. all they ever ask about is how to meet the Overdog."
I ask
"Say how did you know I was the Overdog. I haven't told anybody."
Paul speaks
"Look in this business you're our baby. A momma always gonna coughcoughcough gonna know their bambino."
I stayed at the gym for a few hours practicing with the students. They seem nice enough, maybe I was like that when I started. I bought a few different books. One on tae kwon do, one on Jujitsu and one on judo. They have these diagrams but I don't think I'm doing it right. Though I did make this one heavyset kid cry when I put him in a cross arm breaker and broke the sunken chest kid's nose with an attempted thrust kick. Then accidentally dislocated another kid's shoulder on a judo throw. I'm gonna keep practicing but for now I'm leaving the advanced stuff to Combo Clay.
Mr.Plant and Mr.Woods made them do 2,000 hindu squats. They said I didn't have to but I insisted. If anything it proved I was in better condition than I thought. After that I did suplex drills. I suplexed each kid once. Those two heavy set kids were hard to get over. But good practice for suplexing Violator.
There was this big guy in the back. Great build, tall and fairly fast. Apparently he is a discovery of Mr.Plant. He did not seem impressed with me and challenged me to a match. Not that I'm impressive or anything. Mr.Woods and Mr.Plant chewed him out but I accepted. If I can't beat some scrub how can I ever win the West Coast belt.
Match was not much. I took him down a couple of times. Not being trained he had no idea how to defend against me. He attempted this sloppy clothesline, but I ducked and hit the Overkiller for three. The kids were really impressed. Guess he had been bullying them.
I signed autographs and took pictures before leaving. I'm about to get on the bus when this odd looking bald guy approached me.
After the show in Guntersville I had a few days off. I still needed to work out and start getting some better technique. I usually work out at home with the weight set I got when I was 12. But for this kind of training I'm going to need a ring. I decide I need to hit the Power House. The wrestling school I trained at when I was 17. Pro Wrestling is a hard sport to break into, regardless of your talent or size. It is difficult to even find a school. I tried for over a year to get trained. I would go to indy shows but the guys always pretended like they were not trained.
One day I was reading an issue of Wrestling Stars magazine and saw this tiny ad underneath an ad for apartment wrestling tapes. Watched one of those tapes with Bantam once. They seemed like nice girls but they had terrible technique. Anyway this ad read
"Fame, Fortune, the thrill of competition, the satisfaction of sportsmanship!!! Join the Power House and learn the art of pro wrestling from two former stars."
Well I called right away and heard there was a 1,000 dollar fee. I had to sale all my copies of New Mutants #87 and X-Force number #1. That got me twenty five bucks so I had to sell my copy of Uncanny X-Men #14. First appearance of the Juggernaut. Broke my heart to sell it but between that and my savings bond from Grammy Richards I was going to wrestling school.
My teachers were
Paul "Power" Plant: He was a strong man who wrestled in the 1960s. 6ft2 300 pounds of muscle. He once wrestled in MSG against Leonardo Bernardi. He has all sorts of clippings up around the gym. He put a real sense of fair play in me. Even if I could not put a lot of his technique to use.
Tom "Tiny" Woods: He was a midget wrestler. Hope I'm not insensitive that was the term back then. Anyway he was former Rhode Island Midget champion. His most famous match was wrestling Chief Little Giant in the semi main event at the only World Series of midget wrestling. He tried to teach the virtues of occasionally fighting dirty. Though the stuff he taught me was not much use to either.
The gym looks about the same as I remember from the outside. When I go inside, I can't believe my eyes. There are posters of me/the Overdog everywhere. Posters and promo pics that I thought were never released. Each one with signs saying "Honored alumni." I'm in shock when a group of young guys in gym uniforms run over to me.
"Oh wow its the Overdog!!!"
"See Curtis I told you the Overdog would visit!!!"
"Is it true you're the third Overdog and the original is ftozen and the second is cremated??!!??"
"Are you stupid that's an internet rumor. Now he is gonna think we're dumb."
"Don't call me dumb fatass!!!"
"Don't call me fatass you pirate!!!"
"What do you mean pirate????"
"Well you do have a sunken chest!!!"
Well I know that voice. Its Mr.Woods himself. I don't see him til he slowly walks around the ring pushing a tiny walker.
"Mr.Woods its me Greg."
"Oh I know you Greg. Our greatest accomplishment. How onederful to see yuu. Yuu really gave it to that creep Violata. I was so proud of you."
"Well I wasn't coughcough..."
I see Paul "Power" Plant leaving his office. He does not look like the poster on the wall. Actually doesn't look like I remember him from two years ago. He's dragging a tank of oxygen.
"Mr.Plant I'm sorry. But...."
"Oh don't coughcoughcough... Apologize son. You got a good heart. Just the King Beantaco. He is a bad cough cough cough... Influence.
Tiny Woods stands up for me.
"Whats he suppose to do Paul. Let that fatso sit all on him. You gotta fight dirty to get by!!!! He can'na just do five forearms and pose!!!"
"Oh and I suppose he could just bite him on the keister and he'll go away."
"Again with that. Its as psychilogical as it is painful. You know that."
"Yeah i got the teeth marks to prove it hahahacoughcoughhahaspit!!!"
They get along as well as I remember. Never seen a pair of friends who were closer. I speak up
"Um sirs, I have a title match coming up at Royal Flush."
Tiny speaks
"We know we're proud of you kid,"
"Well I'm scared and maybe you could teach me some new techniques like a a four fifty splash or a shooting star press or maybe a Texas Cloverleaf?"
Paul jumps in
"What do you need junk like thata for? I taught you the clubbing forearm, the bearhug coughcoughcough and the a overheada backbreaker."
Tiny says
"Yeah i taught ys the row boat, the airplane spin and biting on the keister when he hides in the ropes. What else do ya need?"
"Well that's okay I guess. Could I possibly use your ring to run some drills. the floor in my apartment is killing me."
Tiny speaks
"Sure sure sure kid. Use our students. all they ever ask about is how to meet the Overdog."
I ask
"Say how did you know I was the Overdog. I haven't told anybody."
Paul speaks
"Look in this business you're our baby. A momma always gonna coughcoughcough gonna know their bambino."
I stayed at the gym for a few hours practicing with the students. They seem nice enough, maybe I was like that when I started. I bought a few different books. One on tae kwon do, one on Jujitsu and one on judo. They have these diagrams but I don't think I'm doing it right. Though I did make this one heavyset kid cry when I put him in a cross arm breaker and broke the sunken chest kid's nose with an attempted thrust kick. Then accidentally dislocated another kid's shoulder on a judo throw. I'm gonna keep practicing but for now I'm leaving the advanced stuff to Combo Clay.
Mr.Plant and Mr.Woods made them do 2,000 hindu squats. They said I didn't have to but I insisted. If anything it proved I was in better condition than I thought. After that I did suplex drills. I suplexed each kid once. Those two heavy set kids were hard to get over. But good practice for suplexing Violator.
There was this big guy in the back. Great build, tall and fairly fast. Apparently he is a discovery of Mr.Plant. He did not seem impressed with me and challenged me to a match. Not that I'm impressive or anything. Mr.Woods and Mr.Plant chewed him out but I accepted. If I can't beat some scrub how can I ever win the West Coast belt.
Match was not much. I took him down a couple of times. Not being trained he had no idea how to defend against me. He attempted this sloppy clothesline, but I ducked and hit the Overkiller for three. The kids were really impressed. Guess he had been bullying them.
I signed autographs and took pictures before leaving. I'm about to get on the bus when this odd looking bald guy approached me.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 15
Violator just ran to the ring dragging the West Coast belt behind him. X-ILE goes for a spin kick but Violator ducks and hits X-ILE with a flurry of punches. He tosses X-ILE in the corner and starts kicking him in the gut. Almost like Ike Simmons punching a mud pie. Violator Irish Whips X-ILE into the opposite corner and hits a running avalanche. He whips him into the opposite corner.
That's when I notice it. Violator is blowing up. In wrestling getting blown up means you are out of breath and Violator is not in the best shape to start with. He charges X-ILE, only for X-ILE to hit him with a flipping clotheline. Now X-ILE is stomping him. He does five rapid elbow drops. He starts punching Violator in the back of the head. X-ILE gets up and makes the X with his fingers while thrusting his crotch out.
He pulls up Violator but Violator hits a beautiful looking arm drag. Something I would never expect to see out of Violator. He follows it with another one. But he is still out of breath and X-ILE kicks him in the face. I guess it goes without saying but between bouts of van ownership, X-ILE became an accomplished martial artist. He can land any type of kick from any type of angle.
X-ILE has held the West Coast Heritage championship three times. His last title reign lasted for over a year. At some point he got into a disagreement with management. By disagreement I mean he beat up the owner's son with nunchucks. He was fined $10,000 dollars for beating up former champ Combo Clay with the nunchucks during a title defense. They stripped him of the title. Well he went crazy and beat up various refs and finally the owner's son with the nun chucks. He also kicked a steel chair into his face.
They had a match at Battlecraze 7 for the vacant belt. Which was won by the Owner's son when he maced X-ILE. After that the title disappeared before Violator started defending it.
Oh geez I need to pay attention to the match. X-ILE has been really putting the boots to Violator. Hitting some nasty looking DDT's and suplexes. Violator is trying to fight back but he is struggling to breathe let alone fight. I'm preparing to wrestle X-ILE when all of a sudden Violator blocks a kick and wraps X-ILE up in a heel hook. That's crazy, I have never seen Violator do a move like that. But I don't even know much about the guy. Wasn't til a month or so ago he wrestled full time. Before that he was Embalmer's mascot.
Oh man X-ILE submitted. The ref is helping Violator up. His shorts are still sagging. He slowly backs up and Parking Violate's X-ILE.
King Behemoth was right. This is only the beginning.
That's when I notice it. Violator is blowing up. In wrestling getting blown up means you are out of breath and Violator is not in the best shape to start with. He charges X-ILE, only for X-ILE to hit him with a flipping clotheline. Now X-ILE is stomping him. He does five rapid elbow drops. He starts punching Violator in the back of the head. X-ILE gets up and makes the X with his fingers while thrusting his crotch out.
He pulls up Violator but Violator hits a beautiful looking arm drag. Something I would never expect to see out of Violator. He follows it with another one. But he is still out of breath and X-ILE kicks him in the face. I guess it goes without saying but between bouts of van ownership, X-ILE became an accomplished martial artist. He can land any type of kick from any type of angle.
X-ILE has held the West Coast Heritage championship three times. His last title reign lasted for over a year. At some point he got into a disagreement with management. By disagreement I mean he beat up the owner's son with nunchucks. He was fined $10,000 dollars for beating up former champ Combo Clay with the nunchucks during a title defense. They stripped him of the title. Well he went crazy and beat up various refs and finally the owner's son with the nun chucks. He also kicked a steel chair into his face.
They had a match at Battlecraze 7 for the vacant belt. Which was won by the Owner's son when he maced X-ILE. After that the title disappeared before Violator started defending it.
Oh geez I need to pay attention to the match. X-ILE has been really putting the boots to Violator. Hitting some nasty looking DDT's and suplexes. Violator is trying to fight back but he is struggling to breathe let alone fight. I'm preparing to wrestle X-ILE when all of a sudden Violator blocks a kick and wraps X-ILE up in a heel hook. That's crazy, I have never seen Violator do a move like that. But I don't even know much about the guy. Wasn't til a month or so ago he wrestled full time. Before that he was Embalmer's mascot.
Oh man X-ILE submitted. The ref is helping Violator up. His shorts are still sagging. He slowly backs up and Parking Violate's X-ILE.
King Behemoth was right. This is only the beginning.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Undertaker vs Vince Mcmahon Survivor Series 2003
Vince Mcmahon vs The Undertaker: Survivor Series 2003
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This was on the Undertaker dvd I bought.
I really enjoyed the build up for this because in 2003 Vince kept ramping up and ramping up on his evil/crazy. To eventually beating his daughter with a pipe. He goes from picking a fight with Hulk Hogan to mucking around in Brock and Jurt Angle's affairs to finally picking a fight with the Undertaker.
Now not many people have been buried alive and lived to tell the tale. Very few people have been buried alive twice and told about it.
So somehow Vince accepted a challenge for a Buried Alive match. Now obviously like Yokozuna, Mankind and Shawn Micheals before him. Vince had a plan to make sure he was not buried alive.
What Vince did not count on was that those guys were wrestlers and could hold their own with Taker.
This match is one of the most one sided asskickings in WWEF history. Vince blades off of Taker's first punch and hits a gusher. He is bleeding everywhere. The blood is pouring out of him like a fountain.
Vince only gets three moves. He throws dirt in Taker's eye, headbutts him in the buts then hits him with a shovel. Then Taker shakes it off and throws Vince in the grave. Then Kane shows up and buries his brother alive.
Chairshot A Love Story Day 14
Chairshot A Love Story Day 14
King Behemoth's words are ringing in my head. I still have my title match at Royal Flush and I haven't beaten Violator. I need to prepare for him. He's wrestling X-ILE next. Right after Murder Ranger defends the DeathCORE belt against "The Screaming Cowboy" Johnny.J. Daniel.
I feel something dripping on my chest. Its blood, I forgot that Scissor Mask busted my nose in the match. I go see the doctor and thankfully its not broken.
I go back to the curtain and I see Johnny.J.Daniel come thru covered in cuts and welts. He's screaming like a baby. That's why he's called "The Screaming Cowboy". Originally he came in as "the Singing Cowboy" J.J Daniel. Fans really hated him. One night he had a match with Burnward. Burnward beat him so bad J.J was practically crying. The Masked Confederate dubbed him "The Screaming Cowboy" and that has been his name ever since. He droped the JJ and started going by Johnny J to sound tougher.
I think of going to check on him. That's before Murder Ranger burst thru the curtain swinging a barbwire golf club. He is doing these spin kicks in the air and yelling "Hee YAA!!!" WHA CHA!!!!" The story with Murder Ranger is he use to be on this kids action show. It got canceled and he went crazy. Then a wrestling promoter found him. I know I don't wanna get near him.
While they are cleaning the ring Violator walks over His red hair is up in pig tails. Just when I thought he couldn't look any creepier. So I ask
"Hey what the deal with your hair?"
"Embalmer gave me money to get my hair done so I can feel pretty."
"Oh well uh...."
"Snort hey congrats on your "big" win. Hope you don't develop a taste for it. Like I said I worked a long time to earn this belt."
"You didn't earn it. The owner's son gave it to you."
"Oh believe me I worked hard for it. I'm finally a big shot and some career loser is not gonna take it. I'm not gonna let that straw haired has been take it from me either.snort"
"Oh hey X-ILE."
X-ILE was standing behind Violator the whole time. Now X-ILE is always in a bad mood. He is actually the same age as me. He just started wrestling when he was ten years old. He lived in a van for five years. Believe me he'll tell you. just ask him for a ride. I'm expecting him to go off on Violator. Instead he slaps Violator.
"X-ILE, X-ILE!!!!"
X-ILE's music is playing. He gets a big grin on his face
"See you in the ring dough boy. Remember my belt."
With that he starts strutting thru the curtain. I look over and Violator is on the ground and his belt has come off. He's struggling to stand up. His cut offs are sagging and I see his butt crack. I actually feel a little sorry for him. But when he turns around he looks angry and charges thru the curtain.
King Behemoth's words are ringing in my head. I still have my title match at Royal Flush and I haven't beaten Violator. I need to prepare for him. He's wrestling X-ILE next. Right after Murder Ranger defends the DeathCORE belt against "The Screaming Cowboy" Johnny.J. Daniel.
I feel something dripping on my chest. Its blood, I forgot that Scissor Mask busted my nose in the match. I go see the doctor and thankfully its not broken.
I go back to the curtain and I see Johnny.J.Daniel come thru covered in cuts and welts. He's screaming like a baby. That's why he's called "The Screaming Cowboy". Originally he came in as "the Singing Cowboy" J.J Daniel. Fans really hated him. One night he had a match with Burnward. Burnward beat him so bad J.J was practically crying. The Masked Confederate dubbed him "The Screaming Cowboy" and that has been his name ever since. He droped the JJ and started going by Johnny J to sound tougher.
I think of going to check on him. That's before Murder Ranger burst thru the curtain swinging a barbwire golf club. He is doing these spin kicks in the air and yelling "Hee YAA!!!" WHA CHA!!!!" The story with Murder Ranger is he use to be on this kids action show. It got canceled and he went crazy. Then a wrestling promoter found him. I know I don't wanna get near him.
While they are cleaning the ring Violator walks over His red hair is up in pig tails. Just when I thought he couldn't look any creepier. So I ask
"Hey what the deal with your hair?"
"Embalmer gave me money to get my hair done so I can feel pretty."
"Oh well uh...."
"Snort hey congrats on your "big" win. Hope you don't develop a taste for it. Like I said I worked a long time to earn this belt."
"You didn't earn it. The owner's son gave it to you."
"Oh believe me I worked hard for it. I'm finally a big shot and some career loser is not gonna take it. I'm not gonna let that straw haired has been take it from me either.snort"
"Oh hey X-ILE."
X-ILE was standing behind Violator the whole time. Now X-ILE is always in a bad mood. He is actually the same age as me. He just started wrestling when he was ten years old. He lived in a van for five years. Believe me he'll tell you. just ask him for a ride. I'm expecting him to go off on Violator. Instead he slaps Violator.
"X-ILE, X-ILE!!!!"
X-ILE's music is playing. He gets a big grin on his face
"See you in the ring dough boy. Remember my belt."
With that he starts strutting thru the curtain. I look over and Violator is on the ground and his belt has come off. He's struggling to stand up. His cut offs are sagging and I see his butt crack. I actually feel a little sorry for him. But when he turns around he looks angry and charges thru the curtain.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 13
I'm on top of the world. I'm running around the ring high fiving anyone that will high five me. I look over and Scissor Mask is staggering to the back. I climb every turnbuckle to hold my arms up. Suddenly the music stops. The Referee John "Jinx" Jenkins tells me to go to the back. I ignore him then he says
"Look you just won the opening match, You didn't pin Ransom Fortune. Go to the back so the show can continue."
That coulda knocked the wind out of my sails but I don't care!!! I beat that jerk Scissor Mask. The West Coast Heritage belt is within my sights. I go thru the curtain and see Bingwen and the Chickens waiting for me. Each one of them high fives me. Rooster offered me some invisible bird seed and Bingwen bowed.
King Behemoth walks over to me. I'm wondering if he is going to congratulate me when he says.
"You just won the opening match. What are you so proud of?"
"Sir I just beat Scissor Mask."
"So what I've beaten Scissor Mask more times than I can count. A lot of guys have."
"But uh sir..."
"I'm the only man that has ever pinned Ransom Fortune. Do you know what that means?"
"That uh you're a lege..."
"But sir...."
"You wanna know why it doesn't mean a damn thing?"
"Um uh why?"
"Because I never beat him when it counted. I never beat him in a title match. I wrestled him probably 100 times between 1986 and 1992 and could never pin him for that damn Title."
"Uh um well you know...."
"Listen to me boy. You just won an opening match. Before that you spent the last week getting sat on by Pugsley Adams."
"But uh..."
"Scissor Mask is not the West Coast Heritage Champion. You are not wrestling Scissor Mask at Royal Flush. If you underestimate Violator you are going to lose and you will get hurt. One way or another....."
After that King Behemoth walked away to prepare for his match. Now the wind is out of my sails.

Free Counters
I'm on top of the world. I'm running around the ring high fiving anyone that will high five me. I look over and Scissor Mask is staggering to the back. I climb every turnbuckle to hold my arms up. Suddenly the music stops. The Referee John "Jinx" Jenkins tells me to go to the back. I ignore him then he says
"Look you just won the opening match, You didn't pin Ransom Fortune. Go to the back so the show can continue."
That coulda knocked the wind out of my sails but I don't care!!! I beat that jerk Scissor Mask. The West Coast Heritage belt is within my sights. I go thru the curtain and see Bingwen and the Chickens waiting for me. Each one of them high fives me. Rooster offered me some invisible bird seed and Bingwen bowed.
King Behemoth walks over to me. I'm wondering if he is going to congratulate me when he says.
"You just won the opening match. What are you so proud of?"
"Sir I just beat Scissor Mask."
"So what I've beaten Scissor Mask more times than I can count. A lot of guys have."
"But uh sir..."
"I'm the only man that has ever pinned Ransom Fortune. Do you know what that means?"
"That uh you're a lege..."
"But sir...."
"You wanna know why it doesn't mean a damn thing?"
"Um uh why?"
"Because I never beat him when it counted. I never beat him in a title match. I wrestled him probably 100 times between 1986 and 1992 and could never pin him for that damn Title."
"Uh um well you know...."
"Listen to me boy. You just won an opening match. Before that you spent the last week getting sat on by Pugsley Adams."
"But uh..."
"Scissor Mask is not the West Coast Heritage Champion. You are not wrestling Scissor Mask at Royal Flush. If you underestimate Violator you are going to lose and you will get hurt. One way or another....."
After that King Behemoth walked away to prepare for his match. Now the wind is out of my sails.
Free Counters
Friday, August 20, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 12
I'm waiting in the ring and I hear the clipping sound as his music starts. Song is Kind of a Run DMC sound. Scissor Mask is wearing red and white, Going around and high fiving everyone around the ring. Its really more for his benefit. He uses the fans to stroke his ego, but they seem to like him.
After he lost the W*RE Underweight belt, Scissor Mask really started changing. He got a rematch with Karaoke at Endgame that he lost. You would think he would be humbled or depressed,instead he got even more arrogant. Always referring to himself as former W*RE Underweight Champion. He suddenly bulked up. He was picking on the smaller wrestlers like me, the Psycho Chickens and later Bingwen. Well he laid off Bingwen after he took a face full of green poison mist. I have no idea how that stuff works. I just know Scissor Mask was vomiting all night.
Even though I'm a small guy I've avoided going after the Underweight title. When I first started wrestling, I was told by 9 time W.A.V.E Junior Heavyweight champ Ricky Hicks
"Boy you got some potential in the ring. But don't fall into the trap of going after Junior titles like I did. Once you win one, the promoters will never give you a shot at any heavyweight title."
I took that to heart so I try to avoid getting labeled an Underweight wrestler. Still a good bit of the time I end up wrestling Scissor Mask.
The first time we wrestled he tore me apart. He has a really eccentric style. Doing shoulder blocks in the corner then backflipping before the last one. Doing a back flip before drop kicking me in the face. He is a really good karate guy. Has so many different kicks. The Masked Confederate calls them pretentious feet or something.
In the last year I have gotten closer and closer to beating him. Last time we fought I hit the Overbulldog but before I pinned him he rolled me up and pinned me. Must have made him mad because he attacked me after the bell. Hitting the Scissor kick on me twice.
He's in the ring now and is insulting me. He walks up and shoves me. I shove him back and he kicks me in the face. I hit the mat and the bell rang to start the match. Now he is laying the kicks in on me. Every time I try to get up he punts me in the ribs. He leaps to the top rope and leg drops me across the head. He decides to pin me, oh man I can't kick out 1....2... but he pulls me up saying he's not done.
I'm getting mad. Who is this guy to treat me like this? But it is the break I need. He goes back to the top rope. He is posing for the fans. I get up and cause him to fall crotch first on the turnbuckle. I climb up to the top and Superplex him. I go for the pin 1... he throws me off before a two count.
Now I'm hitting him with forearms. The kids are cheering me on. Then he punches me in the throat and I'm on the mat again. He picks me up by the mask and tosses me outside. In wrestling you have a ten count to get back in the ring. But the referees are never consistent. If you are Ike Simmons or the Embalmer you have more time. But I'm not Ike Simmons so I'm trying to get up.
7....8...9... Scissor Mask breaks up the count. He picks me up and kicks me in the ribs. I fire back with a fore arm but he thumbs me in the eye. He throws me into the railing but I reverse and he hits it. I get too excited and charge him only to get kicked in the mouth. He leaps on the rail and moonsaults me. Now he is up mocking me and doing his snip, snip pose.
He breaks the count again and drops me crotch first on the railing. Trying to get off it when Scissor Mask leaped on the guard rail and kicked me in the face.
My mask is getting wet. I feel under it and yep my nose is busted. Really hoping its not broken. Scissor Mask tossed me back in the ring. If he decided to ScissorPlex or Scisorsault me I'm done. Instead he's mocking me. Why is he trying to humiliate me tonight. Usually he pins me as quickly as he can.
He picks me up and ScissorPlex's me. 1....2... He pulled me up. He hits the Scissorsault 1...2... and pulls me up again. This is humiliating. Well it would be if I were not so dizzy. I can hear the ref chewing him out. Scissor Mask says he's going to finish me now. I know he is going to do the Scissor kick. Wish I could avoid it but I'm too banged up. BAM!!!! I go down like something that just got kicked really hard. He pins me 1....2.... I kick out!!!! It took everything I had but I kicked out.
Scissor Mask is really mad, he is shaking the referee. This is my chance I roll him up 1...2... he kicked out. That was my last chance, he starts stomping, punching, scratching and anything else he can do to hurt me. He lifts me up to hit the Scissor Kick again.
I know what I have to do, but I don't like it. It goes against everything I was taught by Paul "Power" Plant. But if I'm ever going to be a champion I have to pin this guy. He's holding me by my mask when I do it. I gouge him in the eyes!!! While he's blinded. I run and hit the Overkiller on him!!!! 1......2......3!!!!!! I did it I beat Scissor Mask!!! The kids in the crowd are cheering me. Even if the teens and adults are not thrilled. The ref is holding my arm up and I'm announced as the winner. I could get use to this.
I'm waiting in the ring and I hear the clipping sound as his music starts. Song is Kind of a Run DMC sound. Scissor Mask is wearing red and white, Going around and high fiving everyone around the ring. Its really more for his benefit. He uses the fans to stroke his ego, but they seem to like him.
After he lost the W*RE Underweight belt, Scissor Mask really started changing. He got a rematch with Karaoke at Endgame that he lost. You would think he would be humbled or depressed,instead he got even more arrogant. Always referring to himself as former W*RE Underweight Champion. He suddenly bulked up. He was picking on the smaller wrestlers like me, the Psycho Chickens and later Bingwen. Well he laid off Bingwen after he took a face full of green poison mist. I have no idea how that stuff works. I just know Scissor Mask was vomiting all night.
Even though I'm a small guy I've avoided going after the Underweight title. When I first started wrestling, I was told by 9 time W.A.V.E Junior Heavyweight champ Ricky Hicks
"Boy you got some potential in the ring. But don't fall into the trap of going after Junior titles like I did. Once you win one, the promoters will never give you a shot at any heavyweight title."
I took that to heart so I try to avoid getting labeled an Underweight wrestler. Still a good bit of the time I end up wrestling Scissor Mask.
The first time we wrestled he tore me apart. He has a really eccentric style. Doing shoulder blocks in the corner then backflipping before the last one. Doing a back flip before drop kicking me in the face. He is a really good karate guy. Has so many different kicks. The Masked Confederate calls them pretentious feet or something.
In the last year I have gotten closer and closer to beating him. Last time we fought I hit the Overbulldog but before I pinned him he rolled me up and pinned me. Must have made him mad because he attacked me after the bell. Hitting the Scissor kick on me twice.
He's in the ring now and is insulting me. He walks up and shoves me. I shove him back and he kicks me in the face. I hit the mat and the bell rang to start the match. Now he is laying the kicks in on me. Every time I try to get up he punts me in the ribs. He leaps to the top rope and leg drops me across the head. He decides to pin me, oh man I can't kick out 1....2... but he pulls me up saying he's not done.
I'm getting mad. Who is this guy to treat me like this? But it is the break I need. He goes back to the top rope. He is posing for the fans. I get up and cause him to fall crotch first on the turnbuckle. I climb up to the top and Superplex him. I go for the pin 1... he throws me off before a two count.
Now I'm hitting him with forearms. The kids are cheering me on. Then he punches me in the throat and I'm on the mat again. He picks me up by the mask and tosses me outside. In wrestling you have a ten count to get back in the ring. But the referees are never consistent. If you are Ike Simmons or the Embalmer you have more time. But I'm not Ike Simmons so I'm trying to get up.
7....8...9... Scissor Mask breaks up the count. He picks me up and kicks me in the ribs. I fire back with a fore arm but he thumbs me in the eye. He throws me into the railing but I reverse and he hits it. I get too excited and charge him only to get kicked in the mouth. He leaps on the rail and moonsaults me. Now he is up mocking me and doing his snip, snip pose.
He breaks the count again and drops me crotch first on the railing. Trying to get off it when Scissor Mask leaped on the guard rail and kicked me in the face.
My mask is getting wet. I feel under it and yep my nose is busted. Really hoping its not broken. Scissor Mask tossed me back in the ring. If he decided to ScissorPlex or Scisorsault me I'm done. Instead he's mocking me. Why is he trying to humiliate me tonight. Usually he pins me as quickly as he can.
He picks me up and ScissorPlex's me. 1....2... He pulled me up. He hits the Scissorsault 1...2... and pulls me up again. This is humiliating. Well it would be if I were not so dizzy. I can hear the ref chewing him out. Scissor Mask says he's going to finish me now. I know he is going to do the Scissor kick. Wish I could avoid it but I'm too banged up. BAM!!!! I go down like something that just got kicked really hard. He pins me 1....2.... I kick out!!!! It took everything I had but I kicked out.
Scissor Mask is really mad, he is shaking the referee. This is my chance I roll him up 1...2... he kicked out. That was my last chance, he starts stomping, punching, scratching and anything else he can do to hurt me. He lifts me up to hit the Scissor Kick again.
I know what I have to do, but I don't like it. It goes against everything I was taught by Paul "Power" Plant. But if I'm ever going to be a champion I have to pin this guy. He's holding me by my mask when I do it. I gouge him in the eyes!!! While he's blinded. I run and hit the Overkiller on him!!!! 1......2......3!!!!!! I did it I beat Scissor Mask!!! The kids in the crowd are cheering me. Even if the teens and adults are not thrilled. The ref is holding my arm up and I'm announced as the winner. I could get use to this.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 11
Getting ready for my match with Scissor Mask. I'm excited for this. Even if I lost and got sat on in most of those Triple Threat matches, I'm proud of how I did. Its a packed house here and has been every night. This wasn't the case when I started in W*RE. Attendance was down because of the promotional war with W.A.V.E. The first night I Wrestled as Overdog, the arena was half full. That was a R*PPED taping too.
This was also the night I first met Scissor Mask. Now I'm not going to sit back and tell you Scissor Mask was this great guy and one thing turned him into a jerk. Honestly he was always a bit of an arrogant ass. But he was easier to get along with back then and yeah I admired him. I remember reading about him in Wrestling Inquirer magazine and Wrestling Focus Newsletter when I was a teenager. He was a big sensation on the Independent Wrestling Circuit. He held the Battle Gate, Combat Collective and Arkansas Wrestling Network heavyweight titles at the same time.
His feud with Darren Glass was raved about by the tape traders. That is how we kept up with all the wrestling. Fans would trade tapes. I actually still do it to find out whats going on in Mexico and Japan. The office probably doesn't like that.
Scissor Mask got signed by W*RE right before me. He got a lot of hype videos before he debuted. He debuted at Valley of the Brawls against Martin "Motor Man" Morris. It was kind of a big deal and they had a great match but then Morris pinned him. Nobody was expecting that. Scissor Mask was never as big a deal again. He beat Morris a week later but his tire was already deflated. Then Morris won the W*RE Underweight Title.
Scissor Mask chased after Morris for a year. But he couldn't beat him.
Scissor Mask treated me like a protege at first. Always giving me advice which I appreciated at the time. Looking back I can see he was talking down to me. But we got along. That is til Scissor Mask won the Underweight title from the Great Karaoke. The Great Karaoke was this weird Japanese Wrestler. He was champion of the Okinawa Wrestling Club. He was a brilliant musical prodigy in high school and a gifted athlete. But during a death match with F.I.G.H.T champion Tissue a few of his screws were knocked loose.
Karaoke defeated Martin Morris for the Underweight Belt on a W*RE tour of Japan. I heard the boss was not too happy with the result. So Karaoke had to defend the title on R*PPED two nights later. Morris was injured losing the belt, so Scissor Mask got the rematch. Scissor Mask won the title that night. Some of the guys thought he won because Karaoke was jet lagged. But Scissor Mask was so excited to win the title finally. He threw this huge party at the Red Roof Inn and invited everybody. Now wrestlers are not going to turn down free food and drinks. Even guys like the Embalmer, BurnWard, Freddie "Heart Ache" Marks, Ike Simmons and Brent Stone were there. I think he spent three months pay in one night.
He was on top of the world, crowing how he was the next White Bengal. He lost the belt back to Karaoke a week later.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 10
I had to get over losing the Triple Threat. Diamond Phil informed me there would be rematches all over the circuit. I just needed to pin X-ILE or Violator once. I just needed one good night.
Waterville Maine: Match is going the way it did Monday. I hit the Overkiller again!!!! But Violator kicked me in the nuts and Parking Violated me.... Again.
Carefree Arizona: I hit X-ILE with Overbulldog. I catch Violator's foot when he tries to kick me in the nads. But instead he hit me with a roll of quarters. Then hit the Parking Violation.
Buffalo New York: This time I'm not the one pinned. X-ILE hit the X-ILE Song on me outside the ring. Violator caught him coming thru the ropes and DDT'ed him for the win. Then he went outside and hit the Parking Violation on me.
San Diego California: I'm a house of fire tonight. I hit the Overbulldog on X-ILE and the Overkiller on Violator. I'm gonna win this time!! Then the bell rang because the time limit expired.
We're in Guntersville Alabama tonight. I look at the card and see I'm not in a triple threat match. It's X-ILE vs Violator. Wonder who I'm wrestling?
"Been looking forward to this ass!!!!"
I know that has to be Scissor Mask. I glance at the line up and sure enough its Overdog vs Scissor Mask in the opening match.
"So uh Scissor Mask, Diamond Phil said I was suppose to be wrestling X-ILE and Violator for the rest of the loop."
"Yeah well Phil owes me some favors."
"Why do you want to wrestle me? I don't have a belt."
"Well I never need a reason to beat you up. But you are getting my title shot.
If by some miracle you win. I figure this will make me the number one contender to the WCH belt.
Once I got the WCH belt I'm number one contender to the Western Hemisphere championship. Before long I'll kick that phony Ike Simmons ass for the W*RE heavyweight title. That'll lead to me beating Ransom Fortune and being the W.A.V.E Omniversal champ!!! But it all starts with me beating you for what the forty fifth time this year?"
Hearing all that and all I can think is "Actually it'll be forty nine."
I had to get over losing the Triple Threat. Diamond Phil informed me there would be rematches all over the circuit. I just needed to pin X-ILE or Violator once. I just needed one good night.
Waterville Maine: Match is going the way it did Monday. I hit the Overkiller again!!!! But Violator kicked me in the nuts and Parking Violated me.... Again.
Carefree Arizona: I hit X-ILE with Overbulldog. I catch Violator's foot when he tries to kick me in the nads. But instead he hit me with a roll of quarters. Then hit the Parking Violation.
Buffalo New York: This time I'm not the one pinned. X-ILE hit the X-ILE Song on me outside the ring. Violator caught him coming thru the ropes and DDT'ed him for the win. Then he went outside and hit the Parking Violation on me.
San Diego California: I'm a house of fire tonight. I hit the Overbulldog on X-ILE and the Overkiller on Violator. I'm gonna win this time!! Then the bell rang because the time limit expired.
We're in Guntersville Alabama tonight. I look at the card and see I'm not in a triple threat match. It's X-ILE vs Violator. Wonder who I'm wrestling?
"Been looking forward to this ass!!!!"
I know that has to be Scissor Mask. I glance at the line up and sure enough its Overdog vs Scissor Mask in the opening match.
"So uh Scissor Mask, Diamond Phil said I was suppose to be wrestling X-ILE and Violator for the rest of the loop."
"Yeah well Phil owes me some favors."
"Why do you want to wrestle me? I don't have a belt."
"Well I never need a reason to beat you up. But you are getting my title shot.
If by some miracle you win. I figure this will make me the number one contender to the WCH belt.
Once I got the WCH belt I'm number one contender to the Western Hemisphere championship. Before long I'll kick that phony Ike Simmons ass for the W*RE heavyweight title. That'll lead to me beating Ransom Fortune and being the W.A.V.E Omniversal champ!!! But it all starts with me beating you for what the forty fifth time this year?"
Hearing all that and all I can think is "Actually it'll be forty nine."
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 9

My match is about to start soon.Right now DinoWAR are defending the tag belts against Karmageddon. Karmageddon are two more followers of the Embalmer.
The match ended on a DQ when T-WreX bashed Anjo in the head with the T-Rex hood he wears to the ring. Now they are brawling to the back.
Before I go to the entrance I see King Behemoth is looking at me. He growls and walks away.
I go thru the curtain as my music starts up. It has been a long time since I heard my theme song. Usually I get the wimpy guy special. Means I came out to the ring with no music during a commercial break.
Not sure what they were going for with my music. Sounds kinda like the theme song of a Japanese cartoon. The music plays with a dog barking. I march to the ring. High fiving everybody I see. I can see the kids are really excited. Some even have my action figure.
I'm in the ring and climb the top turnbuckle and hold my arms up. I'm getting excited, "YEAH I'M THE OVERDOG!!!" That is when I hear it.
"X-ILE!!!!! X-ILE!!!!" then the fast tempoed rap song starts playing. Can't make out any words beyond X-ILE. I think one of the lyrics is "You can't flay meat." Not sure what that has to do with wrestling.
Walks over and makes an X with his fingers while thrusting his hips. Then he grabs my face and shoves me down. I am really getting tired of this guy. I walk over and shove him back. Before he hits me I hear a Pig squeal and the sad jazz deathmetal starts playing.
Its Violator and he is actually walking pretty fast. The WCH belt is being partially covered by his gut. X-ILE forgets me and starts kicking Violator. Takes the WCH belt off of him and whips him with it. Bell just rang and the ref has separated them.
Now we are circling the ring. Everybody is hesitant to make the first move. POW!!! Violator and X-ILE punched me at the same time. I'm on the mat and kinda surprised. Did not think they would see me as the big threat. They throw me into the ropes and toss me in the air. I'm a small guy so I get really high and go splat on the mat. I can't believe it, fading already.
X-ILE whips me into the corner then grabs Violator and throws him into me. Violator is 350 pounds and I feel like I got hit by a pudgy go cart at full speed. Holding myself on the ropes and X-ILE starts hitting me with these martial arts kicks, finishing with a spin kick.
X-ILE throws me into the other corner. Grabs Violator and whips him into me but Violator reverses and its X-ILE flying at me. I duck and X-ILE flips over the corner to the floor.
I get up and I'm looking Violator face to face in the ring for the first time. Violator goes for this big winding punch but I duck and I start hitting him with everything I have. I can hear the fans getting louder. They get louder with each forearm. But then Violator poked me in the eye. He starts hitting me with these sloppy looking over head punches to my head. I'm going up and down like a spring.
We are so preoccupied with each other we did not realize X-ILE had recovered. He jumped on the top rope and hit us with a double clothesline. He takes turns hitting me and Violator. Picks me up and hits a snap suplex. Then spikes Violator with a brutal looking DDT. He pins Violator 1...2... I leap over and pull him away. I then hop on Violator but X-ILE stops me.
X-ILE slams me down and hits four rapid legdrops. He picks me up. Tries to suplex me but I block it and suplex him. Fans are cheering me again. This feels good. But can't think about that. I start hitting X-ILE again and again. He pulls himself up and I HIT THE OVERKILLER!!!! I hold my arms up and yell "YEAH!!!" Going to pin him. when the breath is knocked out of me. Violator just kicked me in my nads as hard as he could. I don't have to explain why getting hit in your junk hurts. But Violator wears steel toed combat boots. I'm curled up on the ground and he hits the Parking Violation and wins.
The bell rings and my first title match is over. I am struggling to breathe. Look over and X-ILE is still down from the Overkiller. Would be proud of that if I weren't holding my crotch trying to stand up.
Violator is weezing holding the WCH belt over his head.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 8
I enjoyed my days off. Got good and rested and my stitches were removed. My new Overdog mask will not be ready for a few weeks. So I'm just using a cheap one with a bulldog on it. I get to the arena for R*PPED. Diamond Phil says I'm wrestling in a triple threat match vs X-ILE vs Violator for the WCH (West Coast Heritage) title. I can't believe I'm getting a title shot before the pay per view. But Triple Threat matches are really tricky. Now there are two types of Triple Threat fights.
1. Is elimination rules. Match only ends after two of the three are pinned or submit. This is how they do Triple Threat matches in promotions like W.A.V.E and Battle Gate.
2. Sudden death rules. That means first guy to get a pinfall or submission wins. That is how Triple Threat matches work in W*RE.
Sudden Death give me a better chance at winning than elimination. I think I could pin X-ILE and I know I can beat Violator. But I'm not sure I could pin both of them.
I get to the locker room and start getting dressed. When I see Scissor Mask come in.
"Well if it isn't the Hardcore legend himself."
"Uh hey Scissor Mask. What do you want?"
"Oh I heard about your good luck. You're getting your title match early. Pays to be a cheap shot artist. I mean first you attack me and Todd Ripstone from behind to steal my title shot, now this."
"Look uh I need to get dressed could you."
"Oh I'll leave now. Would hate to get you riled and get sucker punched. Scope you later ass."
He really does get me worked up. He had a point though. It seems like I can only get ahead if I cheap shot someone or use a weapon. I'm gonna try to not think about that and focus on my match. I see King Behemoth at catering. He has a big plate of food, After what happened last week, I feel more comfortable around King B.
"Uh hi King. Uh look I got a triple threat for the West Coast title tonight."
King just looks at me.
"Uh well you know you uh helped me befo.."
"So what I'm your big fat buddy now? I got my reasons for doing anything. Just because I don't wanna share a locker room with wimps does not make me your hero or teacher or whatever it is you think I am. If I wrestle you again, I'll beat you worse than ever before."
King Behemoth then took a handful of meatballs and shoved them in his mouth and walked away.
Guess I shoulda knew better. King Behemoth is a legend. He was once champion on every continent at the same time. He was even the Antarctic Combat League Super heavyweight champion. He is also the only guy to pin Ransom Fortune ever. This was before Ransom Fortune won the W.A.V.E Omniversal heavyweight Championship from Sergent Sargent.
I go ahead and get myself some food. Big pile of pizza rolls and mashed potatoes. I turn around and I see Violator. He is breathing heavy and smiling. His eyes look all glassy like nobody is home. Not like the last time I saw him. He is also talking a lot slower than usual.
"Snort, hey kid.... Boy you sure did a number on me..... But I really had some fun..... That's why my buddy Embalmer let you pass...... He knows I get off on being hurt..... But I get off more on hurting others..... Worked hard to win this belt.... Won't let wuss like you take it....."
He then grabbed a big handful of my pizza rolls and ran em thru the potatoes and ate em. Going to throw my plate away, I'll just get a candy bar.
Going back to the dressing room when I see X-ILE walk over. He looks agitated but he always looks agitated.
"Hey that was a nice stunt you pulled last week."
"Uh what do you mean X-ILE?"
""Uh what do you mean X-ILE?" What do you think I mean you idiot? I mean you costing me my match with Pugsly.
"No shut up. I got you and fat stuff in the ring tonight. I'm going to have fun kicking both your asses and getting my belt back."
He then shoves me and I bump into someone. I get up and see its Ike Simmons. Ike Simmons has broken necks for less than this. But just says "Excuse me buddy." Then he pats me on the back really hard before leaving.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 7
Thankfully I was due for two days off after what happened Tuesday. Days off gimme a chance to pay bills. The stitches above my eye are driving me crazy. They itch really bad. When I pay bills I only have three things to deal with.
As a guy on the road you are only paying for a place to keep your stuff. Even being gone most of the week I know my neighbors pretty good. They know I'm a wrestler but not that I'm the Overdog. The office told me it was important to keep my identity a secret. I guess I took it overboard in the beginning. Not even telling Janet. At first she thought I was still driving a truck. Then the thing happened when I broke my jaw. She kept asking how it happened and I kept dancing around it. Not outright lieing but not admitting it.
Turns out she had found my gear a few weeks before and was wanting me to own up to it. I borrowed the money from her mom to fix my jaw. But it put a strain on us and we broke up. I still owe some money to her so I pay it back bit by bit. I go to the drug store she works at, to pay her 150 dollars on what I owe. She ask what happened to my face. She does not watch wrestling. Says she hates seeing me get beat up. I explain what happened. She wishes me luck on the match and tells me to be careful. I pay for my candy bar and soda.
I pay the rest of my bills. Each time getting asked what happened to my face. I tell them I fell and leave pretty fast.
Last stop is picking up my comics. That is another hobby of mine and something I do to entertain myself on the road. I'm excited to get the conclusion to the Dark Gods story in Thor and the Wrecking Crew issues in Avengers. I also buy a lot of stuff outta the twenty five cent bin to read. I put together an entire run of the Thing and the old She-Hulk comics. Not to mention the occasional Avengers and Hulk comics missing covers.
Sally ask me what happened to my head. Two kids I know named Rick and Mitch ask me too. I try to change the subject. But they keep asking, I say I got beat up and leave. Normally I don't draw this much attention. I don't know how big name guys like Ransom Fortune deal with it.
Look at my wallet and I'm gonna have to be careful because I'm nearly at my limit til my next pay check. Bingwen told me that win or lose I'm getting a big bonus for the pay per view. I didn't really know that. It'll be nice to get a new car and finally be able to buy a Nintendo 64.
Its time to do my laundry. Most importantly wash my wrestling gear. When I first started wrestling I just had a pair of trunks and boots. But when I became the Overdog I had a really fancy costume. Over time I had to abandon parts of it. Like I had to get rid of the gauntlets because it was limiting how much I could move my arms. Then the gloves because it was effecting my grip. Then the top half of the bodysuit because it was just too hot.
Now I'm down to my Overdog tights,elbow and knee pads. I get home and start trying to sew my mask up. It is not happening. The Overdog mask is made of some kinda foam. You know Spider-Man is a genius for being able to make webbing. But he must be a talented seamstress too. Always being able to repair his suit. I'm gonna have to buy a new mask. And there goes my last 100 dollars.
Thankfully I was due for two days off after what happened Tuesday. Days off gimme a chance to pay bills. The stitches above my eye are driving me crazy. They itch really bad. When I pay bills I only have three things to deal with.
As a guy on the road you are only paying for a place to keep your stuff. Even being gone most of the week I know my neighbors pretty good. They know I'm a wrestler but not that I'm the Overdog. The office told me it was important to keep my identity a secret. I guess I took it overboard in the beginning. Not even telling Janet. At first she thought I was still driving a truck. Then the thing happened when I broke my jaw. She kept asking how it happened and I kept dancing around it. Not outright lieing but not admitting it.
Turns out she had found my gear a few weeks before and was wanting me to own up to it. I borrowed the money from her mom to fix my jaw. But it put a strain on us and we broke up. I still owe some money to her so I pay it back bit by bit. I go to the drug store she works at, to pay her 150 dollars on what I owe. She ask what happened to my face. She does not watch wrestling. Says she hates seeing me get beat up. I explain what happened. She wishes me luck on the match and tells me to be careful. I pay for my candy bar and soda.
I pay the rest of my bills. Each time getting asked what happened to my face. I tell them I fell and leave pretty fast.
Last stop is picking up my comics. That is another hobby of mine and something I do to entertain myself on the road. I'm excited to get the conclusion to the Dark Gods story in Thor and the Wrecking Crew issues in Avengers. I also buy a lot of stuff outta the twenty five cent bin to read. I put together an entire run of the Thing and the old She-Hulk comics. Not to mention the occasional Avengers and Hulk comics missing covers.
Sally ask me what happened to my head. Two kids I know named Rick and Mitch ask me too. I try to change the subject. But they keep asking, I say I got beat up and leave. Normally I don't draw this much attention. I don't know how big name guys like Ransom Fortune deal with it.
Look at my wallet and I'm gonna have to be careful because I'm nearly at my limit til my next pay check. Bingwen told me that win or lose I'm getting a big bonus for the pay per view. I didn't really know that. It'll be nice to get a new car and finally be able to buy a Nintendo 64.
Its time to do my laundry. Most importantly wash my wrestling gear. When I first started wrestling I just had a pair of trunks and boots. But when I became the Overdog I had a really fancy costume. Over time I had to abandon parts of it. Like I had to get rid of the gauntlets because it was limiting how much I could move my arms. Then the gloves because it was effecting my grip. Then the top half of the bodysuit because it was just too hot.
Now I'm down to my Overdog tights,elbow and knee pads. I get home and start trying to sew my mask up. It is not happening. The Overdog mask is made of some kinda foam. You know Spider-Man is a genius for being able to make webbing. But he must be a talented seamstress too. Always being able to repair his suit. I'm gonna have to buy a new mask. And there goes my last 100 dollars.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 6

Security brought me back to my locker room. My head is throbbing and my forehead is sticky and itching. Tried to calm myself down by watching the show. But it was hard to watch Murder-Ranger defend the DEATHcore title against Death Rock while my head was hurting. Take out the Gameboy and try to win my Earth badge, but I can't concentrate on beating Giovani between my throbbing head and itching sticky cut.
Bantam (of the Psycho Chickens) tells me Violator was busted open and is hurt pretty bad. I feel terrible, I'm not a pro wrestler to hurt people. I just like competing and making fans happy. But Violator hurt me first and has did it to other guys. I remember him stabbing Bingwen with safety pin brass knucks during a match. The guy is a jerk.
Ready to go home but King B told me not to sleep til I see the doctor. He examined me, gave me some pills and sewed my head up. He said I was good to go.
I try to watch the main event. Ike Simmons is being forced to wrestle the tag champs DinoWAR (Carnivore and T-Wrex) alone. As bad a night as I had, I would hate to fight those two, even with Bingwen. He is putting up a really good fight. But Ike Simmons is the W*RE Heavyweight Champion. He's the best in the world.
DinoWAR's 6ft2 valet Alosaur tries to interfere. But Ike Simmons hits the Ike Breaker on her. I'm not sure I could do that even if she is bigger than me. He turns around and they hit Total Extinction on him. Now Embalmer and Burnward are in the ring and beating him up. Guess Violator really is hurt. He is always right behind Embalmer during these things. The Chickens and Bingwen try to save Ike Simmons but they get beat up. I would be helping but my darn head won't stop hurting.
After the show us wrestlers are going to our cars. A mob of fans runs up to Ike Simmons. A few kids actually run past him to get my autograph. The kids say it is cool how I stood up to a bully. They tell me how cool I am and how they are rooting for me to win the West Coast belt at Royal Flush. Hey my head stopped hurting.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Chairshot: A Love Story Day 5

King Behemoth is looking at me. I have never seen him talk to anybody. He is not really a jerk he just stays to himself. He is brutal in the ring but does just enough to win. Blood is getting in my eye and I'm dizzy. I just want to go to the motel and shower. Try to walk by King B and he grabs my arm. He says
"What is wrong with you?"
"I uh I got beat up.... sir."
"That is not what I meant. Why are you trying to leave?"
"I'm....hurt sir...."
"I'm going to tell you once boy. You take this chair and you give the Violator a receipt."
"If you don't I'm going to finish what he started."
At this point I should mention that we are being filmed by camera crews. Two years ago W*RE put cameras all thru the arena. They were in a promotional war with W.A.V.E. At first guys were really bothered by this. Everybody was really careful and guarded in what they did and said. Well except for Burnward and Embalmer who took their crazy up to 11. Like once taking some fans hostage if they did not get a title match. I'm not sure how they avoided getting arrested.
Everybody else grew adjusted to it and got back to normal.
I'm following Violator down the hall. He is laughing and guffawing about what he did. Im getting mad and choking up on the chair. Then I see he walked into the Embalmer's locker room. It is no secret that I'm terrified of Embalmer and his brother Burnward. Embalmer has seemingly been wrestling forever and has not gotten any older in the years I've been watching him. I know he has wrestled in three different decades. I swear to god I saw a picture of him wrestling George Hackensmidt.
But I'm scared of King Behemoth too and yeah I want to pay Violator back so I kick open the door and my worst fear is realized. Embalmer and Burnward are standing there. Embalmer is very tall and lanky. Gray hair and balding. Never looked him in the eyes before. Its like he is mad but is happy to be mad.
His brother Burnward is a bit shorter but wider and still way bigger than me. Rumor is he was former WAVE Champion Ron Neighbors and he was in some accident that burned him. Now he has patches of hair and is covered in bloody bandages.
I'm choking up on the chair when Embalmer says "Don't let us stop you. Violator is in the back." Then got this creepy smile on his face.
I see him over there winded and laughing with blood on his fingers. I'm choking up on the chair and I'm wondering if I can do it. Using a chair goes against everything I believe in. As a kid I hated guys who used chairs. It goes against the purity of the sport. But the more I see his fat face shaking with laughter, the madder I get. This is it I lean back and POW!!!! I hit him as hard as I can. He goes down and I hit him over and over. Now security is pulling me off and I'm using language bad enough I'm glad mom didn't know I was the Overdog or watched wrestling.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Chairshot: A Love Story Day 4
It is Tuesday Night R*pped, Diamond Phil says I'm doing commentary during Violator's match with X-ILE the former West Coast Heritage champ. I'm really nervous about this. Talking is not my thing. For a lot of the guys it is as natural as breathing. I go down to ringside and take my seat by the long time announce team of Mark Chambers and the Masked Confederate.
Mark Chambers use to host a kids game show on a cable channel. He got the lead announcer job when the old announcer jumped ship at the last minute and he happened to be near by.
The Masked Confederate is a really old wrestler who was champion of the Arkansas territory. He is really sadistic and a perv too. Always ogling the women wrestlers in the ring and the locker room.
I go to take my seat and Chambers greets me
Mark Chambers:We are very fortunate to be joined by the mysterious Overdog who gets a shot at the West Coast Heritage champion at ROYAL FLUSH!!! Brought to you by W*RE and ONLY ON PAY PER VIEW!!!! Overdog how are you this evening?
Before I can answer Confederate interrupts "Why don you jus tell me how a loosa like you is gettin any kin a title match?"
Overdog: Well uh sir I won a battle ro...
Confederate: Boy i'm gone stop you right there. You won a battle roya on a fluke. A loosa like you could never beat Todd Ripstone and you have never beat Scissor Mask. So why don you shut up and not pretend to be a wrestler.
What was I going to do, argue with him? X-ILE came to the ring. X-ILE was not big but bigger and more athletic then me. He had blond hair and was wearing a blue and silver singlet Had this fast tempo theme song. He walks over and starts telling me how once he wins the belt he was going to run over me at Royal Flush (Name of the Pay Per View). Which makes Confederate chuckle and Mark start selling the pay per view again. "This is a very important fact, if X-ILE were to win tonight it would be OVERDOG VS X-ILE AT ROYAL FLUSH!!!!!
Then Violator came out. He had this weird music that sounds like some sad jazz death metal. His gut is hanging over the title belt. He just looks at me and snorts. Before he can say anything X-ILE dives over the top rope on to Violator. He starts hitting him with lefts and rights. Violator tries to get to his feet and remove his belt but X-ILE hits a big spinning karate kick. Violator hits X-ILE and blood is every where. The bell rings and X-ILE is declared the winner as the result of a disqualification. I look closer and I see Violator had stabbed X-ILE with a fork.
Violator takes a chair and starts hitting him. I'll be honest I'm getting scared and then it happened. POW!!!!! He hit me in the head with a metal chair. You ever see a Tom and Jerry where Tom gets hit with a frying pan and his eyes bug out? That is how getting hit with a metal folding chair feels. I'm barely awake when I see he has the fork and STAB!!! he hits me in the forehead. Now he is scraping back and forth. My mask is torn apart and I can hear Confederate laughing and Mark Chambers is going on about the Embalmer facing Ike Simmons in a burned alive match.
Violator gets pulled away by security. He is laughing and snorting and is out of breath. I'm being helped to the back and I feel humiliated. I have been beat up before, its part of the job. But nothing like this. I'm bleeding and my best mask is ruined. These things are not cheap to replace. I go thru the curtain and I see King Behemoth looking at me.
It is Tuesday Night R*pped, Diamond Phil says I'm doing commentary during Violator's match with X-ILE the former West Coast Heritage champ. I'm really nervous about this. Talking is not my thing. For a lot of the guys it is as natural as breathing. I go down to ringside and take my seat by the long time announce team of Mark Chambers and the Masked Confederate.
Mark Chambers use to host a kids game show on a cable channel. He got the lead announcer job when the old announcer jumped ship at the last minute and he happened to be near by.
The Masked Confederate is a really old wrestler who was champion of the Arkansas territory. He is really sadistic and a perv too. Always ogling the women wrestlers in the ring and the locker room.
I go to take my seat and Chambers greets me
Mark Chambers:We are very fortunate to be joined by the mysterious Overdog who gets a shot at the West Coast Heritage champion at ROYAL FLUSH!!! Brought to you by W*RE and ONLY ON PAY PER VIEW!!!! Overdog how are you this evening?
Before I can answer Confederate interrupts "Why don you jus tell me how a loosa like you is gettin any kin a title match?"
Overdog: Well uh sir I won a battle ro...
Confederate: Boy i'm gone stop you right there. You won a battle roya on a fluke. A loosa like you could never beat Todd Ripstone and you have never beat Scissor Mask. So why don you shut up and not pretend to be a wrestler.
What was I going to do, argue with him? X-ILE came to the ring. X-ILE was not big but bigger and more athletic then me. He had blond hair and was wearing a blue and silver singlet Had this fast tempo theme song. He walks over and starts telling me how once he wins the belt he was going to run over me at Royal Flush (Name of the Pay Per View). Which makes Confederate chuckle and Mark start selling the pay per view again. "This is a very important fact, if X-ILE were to win tonight it would be OVERDOG VS X-ILE AT ROYAL FLUSH!!!!!
Then Violator came out. He had this weird music that sounds like some sad jazz death metal. His gut is hanging over the title belt. He just looks at me and snorts. Before he can say anything X-ILE dives over the top rope on to Violator. He starts hitting him with lefts and rights. Violator tries to get to his feet and remove his belt but X-ILE hits a big spinning karate kick. Violator hits X-ILE and blood is every where. The bell rings and X-ILE is declared the winner as the result of a disqualification. I look closer and I see Violator had stabbed X-ILE with a fork.
Violator takes a chair and starts hitting him. I'll be honest I'm getting scared and then it happened. POW!!!!! He hit me in the head with a metal chair. You ever see a Tom and Jerry where Tom gets hit with a frying pan and his eyes bug out? That is how getting hit with a metal folding chair feels. I'm barely awake when I see he has the fork and STAB!!! he hits me in the forehead. Now he is scraping back and forth. My mask is torn apart and I can hear Confederate laughing and Mark Chambers is going on about the Embalmer facing Ike Simmons in a burned alive match.
Violator gets pulled away by security. He is laughing and snorting and is out of breath. I'm being helped to the back and I feel humiliated. I have been beat up before, its part of the job. But nothing like this. I'm bleeding and my best mask is ruined. These things are not cheap to replace. I go thru the curtain and I see King Behemoth looking at me.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 3

I could not get too excited about winning the battle royal yet. I had to go to Omaha Nebraska to do motion capture for the video game W*RE: BattleCraze 2000 for the N64. I'm not sure how it works exactly. They hook all these balls on me then have me simulate lots of wrestling moves. I'm actually going to be in the game this time. Some other guys left for a rival promotion so I'm getting a spot. I got my own action figure last year. I think I was suppose to be a bigger deal than I was.
I got a crate full of figures in my apartment. I gave away a bunch at Halloween. Little kids liked them, though one older kid said "Is he even on TV now?"
Its exciting to know you are going to be in a video game. When I started going on the road I bought an old Gameboy for twenty bucks at a pawn shop and found a copy of Pokemon Blue.
They don't explain much of the process to me. I'm just given a list of moves and I do em. I get out around midnight. The extra money is a big help right now.
Last year I did stunt work and made an appearance in the movie "Wrestlebabes in Space". Which was a sequel to "Wrestlebabe goes to college". I heard the director went to Ransom Fortune then Ike Simmons then Embalmer, well you get the idea. It was actually a great experience. Everybody treated me like I was a great wrestler.
I kinda had a big head when I got back on the road. Boy did that change fast. I'm not sure anybody noticed I was gone. Well Scissor Mask did. He said something about me making a bad Ernest sequel. I don't get it, whats wrong with Ernest movies?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Chairshot A Love Story Day 2

Chapter 2.
I come out for the battle royal with other guys not big time enough to get entrance music. Looking around I see the guys.
The World Famous Psycho Chickens (Rooster and Bantam): These guys joined the promotion a little bit after I did. They were known as the feared War Birds (Falcon and Eagle) originally. They wore face paint and tried to wrestle like the team DESECRATION. They would get their brains beat in usually. In the back they were called the Psycho Chickens. Rooster was taller than me but really skinny while Bantam was thicker but shorter than me.
One day when one of the guys calls them Psycho Chickens the owner walks by. He thought Psycho Chickens was a brilliant concept and invited them to Monolith Towers to sign a contract. Not sure how it panned out I just know they showed up in new crazy chicken suits. Bantam said when they got there the owner was talking to a team of guys dressed like frogs.
Frog Fighter #2: Nobody knows what happened to number 1.Pretty big guy but he can jump really high. Lost to him last week. Tried to shoot for the leg but he leap frogged over me and hit a standing frog splash.
Todd Ripstone: Was part of a member of the Stone Cutters in the 80s. His partner Brent Stone won a buncha world titles. Todd did okay for himself. He beat me last month with a powerslam.
King Behemoth: As you can guess he is a big fat guy. He actually works R*PPED regularly and wins a lot. The definite favorite to win. He's wearing Purple and Gold and has a reverse Mohawk. He has kicked my rear more times than I care to remember.
Bingwen: The Chinese silk rat I mentioned earlier. Really incredible martial artist. But kinda small. We team up semi regularly. We almost beat Skull and Death-Rock. But then they hit the Spike piledriver on me. Bingwen was crushed.
Super Scissor Mask: If I were a big deal this would be my arch rival. He is a little bit bigger than me and more muscular overall. Never seen the guy without his mask. I swear I saw him wear it at Denny's after a show. He thinks he is a big deal because he was Underweight champion for two weeks in 1997. I wrestle him more than anybody else. Closest I came to beating him was a few days ago. But I missed the Overbulldog and he hit me with the scissor kick. He was bragging how this title shot was in the bag.
The match started and Scissor Mask said we had to attack the King first. I don't like being talked down to but he had a point.Behemoth double clotheslined the Chickens. Frog Fighter tried to Leap Frog him but King headbutted him in the groin. He grabbed my legs and started using me as a club against Scissor Mask and Bingwen. Scissor Mask called me a name as if I was enjoying this.
Finally Todd Ripstone grabbed me and tossed me over the top rope. I caught the middle rope before going over.
So Ripstone and King are trading punches. King is starting to win when we made our move. Charging King Behemoth into the ropes. We almost have him eliminated when Frog Fighter goes to the turnbuckle next to King B and frogsplashes all of us. It knocks King out of the ring and nearly knocks me unconscious.
I come to and the only guys left are Scissor Mask and Ripstone. Gotta hand it to Scissor Mask he was talented and was holding his own with Ripstone. Til Ripstone caught him that is. He pressed Scissor Mask over his head parading around the ring. I got to my feet because I knew this was my big chance. I run over and dropkick Ripstone as hard as I can knocking them both out of the ring.
I WON, I ACTUALLY WON A BATTLE ROYAL!!!! Not just any battle royal but a shot at the West Coast Heritage championship at a Pay per view.
I look out and some of the kids are cheering for me. Little kids look up to me. Guess they know what it's like to be over matched.
I go back to the locker room expecting at least a few people to congratulate me. A wrestler turned agent named Diamond Phil Rose gives me a half hearted congratulations. An agent is a guy who sets up our matches and makes sure we behave on the road.
I see Frog Fighter and Todd Ripstone glaring at me. I see Bingwen and the Chickens looking really happy. I guess they saw it as a win for tiny masked guys.
Then I see The Violator, the current West Coast Heritage champion. Not even sure how he won the thing. I think the owners son just gave it to him. He is tight with the Embalmer. Always carrying his bags. He has this long nasty looking red hair. Looks like it has never been washed. He has a red beard, but it looks like something a high school kid would try to grow. Long thin and curly. He is fat but not fat like King B, who looks like a fridge that walks. Not too tall either. He lets his gut hang over his leather cut off shorts. The championship belt barely fits.
He walks over and snorts out "Boy howdy I was scared one of those other guys would win, snort." I got a night off.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Chairshot: A Love Story Day 1
All copyrights belong to Victor Rodgers
Foreword by Matt D
Imagine being a young mid-card wrestler on national television in the late 90s.
The down period was over. The second boom period of the post-territory
era had begun. Business was huge. Wrestling was mainstream. Things were extreme. It was the Attitude Era, an era of excess. Crash TV ruled. So much of the previous top-card talent was gone and for a moment the glass ceiling seemed to maybe, just maybe be missing. You may have been working hard
era had begun. Business was huge. Wrestling was mainstream. Things were extreme. It was the Attitude Era, an era of excess. Crash TV ruled. So much of the previous top-card talent was gone and for a moment the glass ceiling seemed to maybe, just maybe be missing. You may have been working hard
and fast with big bumps and lots of shots from plunder, but things were booming and hope was eternal.
That in itself would probably make for a good story. Here's the twist
though, the hook that makes it really different: What if it all was
real? Not kayfabe real. Not half real. Not wink-wink real. It's
generally how wrestling was dealt with in outside entertainment all
the way up to the late 80s, whether it's ...All the Marbles or No
Holds Barred or Body Slam. The opening of the industry has made such a
venture completely counter-intuitive now. It just doesn't cross
people's minds. That's what makes Chairshot so unique a project. Not
only does it attempt to examine (albeit with names changed and
characterizations shifted) an interesting, visceral era that's now
more than ten years distant, it does so from a completely new
perspective. It forces the insanity of Crash TV era Monday Night Wars into aThat in itself would probably make for a good story. Here's the twist
though, the hook that makes it really different: What if it all was
real? Not kayfabe real. Not half real. Not wink-wink real. It's
generally how wrestling was dealt with in outside entertainment all
the way up to the late 80s, whether it's ...All the Marbles or No
Holds Barred or Body Slam. The opening of the industry has made such a
venture completely counter-intuitive now. It just doesn't cross
people's minds. That's what makes Chairshot so unique a project. Not
only does it attempt to examine (albeit with names changed and
characterizations shifted) an interesting, visceral era that's now
more than ten years distant, it does so from a completely new
logical, human framework. Within the confines of the story everything
has to make sense no matter how nonsensical the source material.
The end result is a noble experiment full of fun characters. Vic put
together an entire world, really, a universe with its own history and
logic. So root along with the Overdog as he tries to survive in this
crazy world of hyperreal depravity, adversity and opportunity.
Chapter 1
It was Tuesday Night which meant it was time for R*PPED. Most of the time I don't make the main TV show. Wait I need to back up here. My name is Greg Richards. At least that was the name I was born with, now I'm known as the Overdog. I'm a pro wrestler and not a very successful one. But at least I work for the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. I don't win too often but I always try. I was actually a state champion in my weight class in high school. I could of gone to college but my dream was to wrestle professionally. Had been since I watched Sergent Sargent wrestle the One Man Army at a armory in 1992. Sure they had a more famous feud in the 80s but here I was watching them live. One Man Army threw Sarge right on top of me. I even got Sarge's blood on me. I never washed that shirt again.
Okay now where was I? It was R*PPED. Believe it or not I was always on the card til the owner or his kids changed it to mess with the champ. I got to wrestle the 7ft9 650 pound Monolith once. But that was the owner giving Monolith a night off. Still felt good to hear him refer to me as a top contender even if he didn't mean it. I could of beat him if I had nailed my Overkiller or OverBulldog. I shot in for the take down and he kneed me in the face. I swear to god I thought my face caved in. Well that's how it felt when I regained consciousness. One of the fellas told me later he giant swung me into the turnbuckle like a click clack.
Tonight I was suppose to wrestle Planetary Champ Ike Simmons but the boss changed it to Ike Simmons vs Burnward and his brother the Embalmer. The revised list said I was wrestling in a battle royal for a shot at the West Coast Heritage championship at the pay per view. I can't believe it, I have not been this close to a title since Ike Simmons did the Ike Breaker on my jaw. The promotion would not pay for dental surgery. I had to borrow money from my girlfriend Janet's mother while not revealing I'm the Overdog.
You are probably wondering how a five foot seven 145 pound athletic but unimposing guy like me got signed to the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, Well I had been wrestling a few years and I would work at the TV tapings. I usually got my brains beat in. I really thought my amateur skills would help me more. I was wrestling this chubby older wrestler. Really great in his day but I thought I really had a shot. Well I try to take him down and he thumbs me in the eye. I'm disoriented and he hits a jab and another and another. I can't see straight and he starts dancing right when I'm about to recover when he elbows me right on top of the head. I hit the mat like a bag of potatoes. Then before I can recover he drops the biggest elbow I ever felt right in my ribs.
This time I was wrestling a guy called Lightning Ball. Wore these green and blue tights. He is hitting me with these sloppy looking forearms that still hurt like the dickens. I dunno what made that day different but I was determined not to lose. He goes to powerbomb me but I reverse it into a hurracanrana. I start throwing a buncha forearms. I'm trying to bash his head in. I go and hit a flying dropkick and follow it up with a bulldog headlock. The fans are really excited and I think I'm going to win. But he kicked out at two and hit me with the ballbuster and won the match.
Despite being cheered by some kids I felt really bad. Partly from the ballbuster and partly from losing again. It stinks knowing you have to go home and tell your mom you're a loser. But as I go behind the curtain the owner is standing there with a giant smile. He tells me to come in for a meeting Monday at Monolith Tower.
I get up there and he explains to me how I'm the American dream, a scrawny nobody who has a lot of fight. But the under dog is played out (I heard a legal guy say it is too hard to trademark.) that I'm going to be the Overdog the super hero underdog. He shows me this costume its dark orange, black and white. The mask looks like a dogs face. But the bulldog symbol on the shirt is pretty cool. He says the kids are going to love me and I'm signed to a contract. I don't care what I'm going to be, I am on top of the world. He tells me to come back on the first Tuesday of the following month.
I show up with my full costume. I look for the owner but I see him talking to a Chinese guy in a silk rat mask. Seems like he forgot I even existed.
So that is how I got here. I work the B, C and mostly D shows, Try my best to win and get paid a modest income. But tonight I was going to enter the big time. I was going to win that shot at Royal Flush and be the West Coast Heritage Champion.
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