I could not get too excited about winning the battle royal yet. I had to go to Omaha Nebraska to do motion capture for the video game W*RE: BattleCraze 2000 for the N64. I'm not sure how it works exactly. They hook all these balls on me then have me simulate lots of wrestling moves. I'm actually going to be in the game this time. Some other guys left for a rival promotion so I'm getting a spot. I got my own action figure last year. I think I was suppose to be a bigger deal than I was.
I got a crate full of figures in my apartment. I gave away a bunch at Halloween. Little kids liked them, though one older kid said "Is he even on TV now?"
Its exciting to know you are going to be in a video game. When I started going on the road I bought an old Gameboy for twenty bucks at a pawn shop and found a copy of Pokemon Blue.
They don't explain much of the process to me. I'm just given a list of moves and I do em. I get out around midnight. The extra money is a big help right now.
Last year I did stunt work and made an appearance in the movie "Wrestlebabes in Space". Which was a sequel to "Wrestlebabe goes to college". I heard the director went to Ransom Fortune then Ike Simmons then Embalmer, well you get the idea. It was actually a great experience. Everybody treated me like I was a great wrestler.
I kinda had a big head when I got back on the road. Boy did that change fast. I'm not sure anybody noticed I was gone. Well Scissor Mask did. He said something about me making a bad Ernest sequel. I don't get it, whats wrong with Ernest movies?
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possibly my favorite part.
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