Chapter 2.
I come out for the battle royal with other guys not big time enough to get entrance music. Looking around I see the guys.
The World Famous Psycho Chickens (Rooster and Bantam): These guys joined the promotion a little bit after I did. They were known as the feared War Birds (Falcon and Eagle) originally. They wore face paint and tried to wrestle like the team DESECRATION. They would get their brains beat in usually. In the back they were called the Psycho Chickens. Rooster was taller than me but really skinny while Bantam was thicker but shorter than me.
One day when one of the guys calls them Psycho Chickens the owner walks by. He thought Psycho Chickens was a brilliant concept and invited them to Monolith Towers to sign a contract. Not sure how it panned out I just know they showed up in new crazy chicken suits. Bantam said when they got there the owner was talking to a team of guys dressed like frogs.
Frog Fighter #2: Nobody knows what happened to number 1.Pretty big guy but he can jump really high. Lost to him last week. Tried to shoot for the leg but he leap frogged over me and hit a standing frog splash.
Todd Ripstone: Was part of a member of the Stone Cutters in the 80s. His partner Brent Stone won a buncha world titles. Todd did okay for himself. He beat me last month with a powerslam.
King Behemoth: As you can guess he is a big fat guy. He actually works R*PPED regularly and wins a lot. The definite favorite to win. He's wearing Purple and Gold and has a reverse Mohawk. He has kicked my rear more times than I care to remember.
Bingwen: The Chinese silk rat I mentioned earlier. Really incredible martial artist. But kinda small. We team up semi regularly. We almost beat Skull and Death-Rock. But then they hit the Spike piledriver on me. Bingwen was crushed.
Super Scissor Mask: If I were a big deal this would be my arch rival. He is a little bit bigger than me and more muscular overall. Never seen the guy without his mask. I swear I saw him wear it at Denny's after a show. He thinks he is a big deal because he was Underweight champion for two weeks in 1997. I wrestle him more than anybody else. Closest I came to beating him was a few days ago. But I missed the Overbulldog and he hit me with the scissor kick. He was bragging how this title shot was in the bag.
The match started and Scissor Mask said we had to attack the King first. I don't like being talked down to but he had a point.Behemoth double clotheslined the Chickens. Frog Fighter tried to Leap Frog him but King headbutted him in the groin. He grabbed my legs and started using me as a club against Scissor Mask and Bingwen. Scissor Mask called me a name as if I was enjoying this.
Finally Todd Ripstone grabbed me and tossed me over the top rope. I caught the middle rope before going over.
So Ripstone and King are trading punches. King is starting to win when we made our move. Charging King Behemoth into the ropes. We almost have him eliminated when Frog Fighter goes to the turnbuckle next to King B and frogsplashes all of us. It knocks King out of the ring and nearly knocks me unconscious.
I come to and the only guys left are Scissor Mask and Ripstone. Gotta hand it to Scissor Mask he was talented and was holding his own with Ripstone. Til Ripstone caught him that is. He pressed Scissor Mask over his head parading around the ring. I got to my feet because I knew this was my big chance. I run over and dropkick Ripstone as hard as I can knocking them both out of the ring.
I WON, I ACTUALLY WON A BATTLE ROYAL!!!! Not just any battle royal but a shot at the West Coast Heritage championship at a Pay per view.
I look out and some of the kids are cheering for me. Little kids look up to me. Guess they know what it's like to be over matched.
I go back to the locker room expecting at least a few people to congratulate me. A wrestler turned agent named Diamond Phil Rose gives me a half hearted congratulations. An agent is a guy who sets up our matches and makes sure we behave on the road.
I see Frog Fighter and Todd Ripstone glaring at me. I see Bingwen and the Chickens looking really happy. I guess they saw it as a win for tiny masked guys.
Then I see The Violator, the current West Coast Heritage champion. Not even sure how he won the thing. I think the owners son just gave it to him. He is tight with the Embalmer. Always carrying his bags. He has this long nasty looking red hair. Looks like it has never been washed. He has a red beard, but it looks like something a high school kid would try to grow. Long thin and curly. He is fat but not fat like King B, who looks like a fridge that walks. Not too tall either. He lets his gut hang over his leather cut off shorts. The championship belt barely fits.
He walks over and snorts out "Boy howdy I was scared one of those other guys would win, snort." I got a night off.
favorite part: character names. hands down. much like that overplayed dashboard song.
less favorite part: verb tense transitions...i can't tell if the story is supposed to be in past, present or future tense. or if it is somehow all three. it leaves me confuddled.
all in all, keep up the good work!
That is a good point and I found it to be an issue near the end. Eventually I will go back and get it straightened out.
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