Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chairshot A Love Story Day 18


I'm backstage at the pay per view. It's being held in Las Vegas. Well i guess that is obvious being called Royal flush. Been in Vegas for three days. Did some interviews with some small TV stations and newspapers to promote the show.

The Chickens and Bingwen took me out to the casino. Before we left they got me a gift. I open it and see a brand new ring jacket. Its orange, black and white. Back has an airbrushed pic of my logo. I'm touched, I have great friends.

At the casino Bingwen won 5,000 dollars in an hour playing blackjack. Then he got accused of counting cards. Turned into a bad scene when a bouncer got the purple mist. I had to stop Bingwen from kicking his head off. Cops showed up but technically poison mist is not legally defined as a weapon. It helped they recognized us from TV.

BingWen has been acting oddly the last two weeks. I have not teamed with him as much lately. The other day I saw he rode to the show with Hemisphere champion Bleached Evil. That guy is almost as weird as the Embalmer. He has this white fried hair and wears various bizarre outfits. This one time me and the chickens wrestled him and his followers Free Fall (Johnny Cocaine and Ron Dynabull) after we lost they gave me a bleach bath. Eyes burned for a week. Ruined my other mask.

Speaking of Freefall they were suppose to wrestle DinoWar for the W*RE Planetary tag belts. But Ron Dynabull pulled a muscle in his back. So the owner said there would be a tag team battle royal on Sunday Night Torn. The Psycho Chickens are really excited. Rooster is crowing and pecking at the walls. Bantam tells me I inspired them. All of a sudden the Masked Confederate interrupted us.

"Look if it ain tha loosa. Hope ya enjoy working on a pay pa view. after Violata gets done with you they is gon scrape you off a tha mat."

"Uh sir is there anything you want I was talking to..."

"Anotha loosa like you. Don be gettin too excited about winnin no battle roya little chick. See the Confederate done put himself a team togetha."

I wonder who would work with the Masked Confederate?

Bantam pulls Rooster off the table and goes to the ring. All the team are out there and I wonder where Confederate's team is. Then I hear it "Snip snip Snip X-ILE!!!!!" Confederate is leading X-Ile and Scissor Mask to the ring. The Chickens actually eliminate Skull-1 and Death-Rock. Skull-1 had tried to double clothesline them but they ducked and hit a double crusher then hit the double peck to knock him out of the ring.

I'm excited for them. Wanna watch the rest of the match but Diamond Phil needs to talk.

"Okay you and Violator are wrestling in the second match. Referee will be Milton Lafred. Milton is a little lenient on fighting outside the ring BUT DO NOT PUSH YOUR LUCK."

Geez he did not need to bite my head off like that. It's not like I'm Murder-Ranger or Ahab the Carver.

Get to the curtain and Bantam has blood all over him and Rooster is on a stretcher. Look in the ring and Scissor Mask and X-IlE are celebrating with the Confederate. Before I can get any details i hear this loud commotion. Run over and Ike Simmons is on the ground being treated by EMT's. I try to find out what happened when I hear a weezing sound.

"SNORT, yeah my buddy Embalmer took it to Icky Simmons. Walloped him with a chair then tossed embalming fluid in his eyes. The W*RE belt is in the bag. Because that's where Embalmer put it after beating Simmons up." After that Violator shoved me into the wall. Was about to hit him when Diamond Phil said "Don't even think about it. We have enough problems right now." Ike Simmons got up and punched Diamond Phil and threw Ricky Hicks into the wall.

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