My match is about to start soon.Right now DinoWAR are defending the tag belts against Karmageddon. Karmageddon are two more followers of the Embalmer.
The match ended on a DQ when T-WreX bashed Anjo in the head with the T-Rex hood he wears to the ring. Now they are brawling to the back.
Before I go to the entrance I see King Behemoth is looking at me. He growls and walks away.
I go thru the curtain as my music starts up. It has been a long time since I heard my theme song. Usually I get the wimpy guy special. Means I came out to the ring with no music during a commercial break.
Not sure what they were going for with my music. Sounds kinda like the theme song of a Japanese cartoon. The music plays with a dog barking. I march to the ring. High fiving everybody I see. I can see the kids are really excited. Some even have my action figure.
I'm in the ring and climb the top turnbuckle and hold my arms up. I'm getting excited, "YEAH I'M THE OVERDOG!!!" That is when I hear it.
"X-ILE!!!!! X-ILE!!!!" then the fast tempoed rap song starts playing. Can't make out any words beyond X-ILE. I think one of the lyrics is "You can't flay meat." Not sure what that has to do with wrestling.
Walks over and makes an X with his fingers while thrusting his hips. Then he grabs my face and shoves me down. I am really getting tired of this guy. I walk over and shove him back. Before he hits me I hear a Pig squeal and the sad jazz deathmetal starts playing.
Its Violator and he is actually walking pretty fast. The WCH belt is being partially covered by his gut. X-ILE forgets me and starts kicking Violator. Takes the WCH belt off of him and whips him with it. Bell just rang and the ref has separated them.
Now we are circling the ring. Everybody is hesitant to make the first move. POW!!! Violator and X-ILE punched me at the same time. I'm on the mat and kinda surprised. Did not think they would see me as the big threat. They throw me into the ropes and toss me in the air. I'm a small guy so I get really high and go splat on the mat. I can't believe it, fading already.
X-ILE whips me into the corner then grabs Violator and throws him into me. Violator is 350 pounds and I feel like I got hit by a pudgy go cart at full speed. Holding myself on the ropes and X-ILE starts hitting me with these martial arts kicks, finishing with a spin kick.
X-ILE throws me into the other corner. Grabs Violator and whips him into me but Violator reverses and its X-ILE flying at me. I duck and X-ILE flips over the corner to the floor.
I get up and I'm looking Violator face to face in the ring for the first time. Violator goes for this big winding punch but I duck and I start hitting him with everything I have. I can hear the fans getting louder. They get louder with each forearm. But then Violator poked me in the eye. He starts hitting me with these sloppy looking over head punches to my head. I'm going up and down like a spring.
We are so preoccupied with each other we did not realize X-ILE had recovered. He jumped on the top rope and hit us with a double clothesline. He takes turns hitting me and Violator. Picks me up and hits a snap suplex. Then spikes Violator with a brutal looking DDT. He pins Violator 1...2... I leap over and pull him away. I then hop on Violator but X-ILE stops me.
X-ILE slams me down and hits four rapid legdrops. He picks me up. Tries to suplex me but I block it and suplex him. Fans are cheering me again. This feels good. But can't think about that. I start hitting X-ILE again and again. He pulls himself up and I HIT THE OVERKILLER!!!! I hold my arms up and yell "YEAH!!!" Going to pin him. when the breath is knocked out of me. Violator just kicked me in my nads as hard as he could. I don't have to explain why getting hit in your junk hurts. But Violator wears steel toed combat boots. I'm curled up on the ground and he hits the Parking Violation and wins.
The bell rings and my first title match is over. I am struggling to breathe. Look over and X-ILE is still down from the Overkiller. Would be proud of that if I weren't holding my crotch trying to stand up.
Violator is weezing holding the WCH belt over his head.
so do you see yourself as the Overdog or do you see yourself in Overdog as well as bits and pieces in the other characters as well? Or have you modeled the other characters after people in your life?
Overdog i pretty much how I see myself. King Behemoth is how I hope I appear to others. But most characters have an analogue to somebody if you know where to look.
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