"Sergent what is that?"
"It's my old Wrecker hood Morris."
"Why do you need that?"
"When I do what I do my identity can remain secret from Overdog."
"He'll find out before the night is over."
"Not if we play it just right."
"As long as you do your part, why should I care?"
Tonight is EndGame. I'm wrestling the impostor in a ladder match. Sarge guaranteed me a fair match. He always comes thru when it counts.
Wonder where Sarge is? He has not been around much lately. Darren Glass told me he was hanging around Ruination X2K. Those are not good guys. They have helped me a few times since I came back. But I still can't forget what they did to Scissor Mask on R*PPED.
Scissor Mask was in a Triple Threat fight vs Murder Ranger and Matt Babylon. The winner got the fourth spot on Darren Glass's EndGame team.
Murder Ranger was an old enemy of Martin Morris. They were suppose to wrestle on R*PPED but Morris said the Ranger was beneath him. So Murder Ranger attacked him with his barbwire golf club. Ruination attacked and Morris gave him a barbwire assisted Motor Matrix. Since then Murder Ranger has teamed with Darren Glass vs Morris and X-ILE.
Scissor Mask hates X-ILE because X-ILE embarrassed him when he ended their partnership. Well not just embarrassed also hurt him. He told Scissor Mask he had a spot in Ruination. But they attacked him instead. Even ripped his mask off.
Finally there is Matt Babylon. He just debuted in W*RE. He was the WAVE Mainstream Champion three times. He was telling everybody Ransom Fortune was scared to give him a title match. He only wanted to be on Glass's team because beating Ruination is a fast track to a Planetary title shot.
In the end all three guys were wiped out from a triple superplex and were attacked by Ruination. I think they figured if nobody won the match Team Glass would be short a team member. Darren Glass and DinoWar tried to make the save but Ruination had the high ground.
I wanted to help but Sarge stopped me.
"You are not doing anything kid."
"Sarge I need to help Scissor Mask."
"Why do you want to help that clown? All he did was treat you like garbage."
"I dunno Sarge it just seems right."
"You are not going out there....... You are still busted up by the House of Bleach attack."
"But Sarge....."
Sarge does not bust out maggot lightly. He was right, I was hurt
"Hey Overdog it's you vs you next!!!"
"Alright Phil I'm ready."
I don't get any music as I walk to the ring. I pass the ladder and I feel nervous. Not nervous about being hurt but nervous about what I'm about to do. Sarge said he had to make preparations for the House of Bleach. Now the barking has started and I see the impostor walking to the ring. Wearing my belt and a cheap knock off of my mask. Guy does not look nervous at all as he walks by the ladder.
He wants to shake my hand.
"Forget it buddy, the time for that is over."
"Gee uh mister I hate that you are sore. even if you oh um gee are stealing my mask."
That little creep is making fun of me. What is he doing.
He spit in my face.
"Alright I'm in charge. .We need to be ready to attack the House of Bleach when they try to save the phony Overdog."
"You ain't the boss of me pops. Ain't nobody the boss of the X to the I to the LE!!!! We are equal partners."
"Oh is that so? Are the paint chip brothers equal partners?"
"Me and Deathrock are just as good as you. Once I light up I'll be ready to burn."
"All three of you shut up!!!"..
Bleached Evil is making his move. .Wonder hwo the kid is doing.
Arrrghhhhh!!!! BASH!!!! BASH!!!! BASH!!!!!!!!!! I could of won the match already. But I just can't stop hitting him with the ladder. After he spit on me I just saw red. He is trying to get up and I clothesline him over the top rope.
Outside I grab a chair and CRACK!!!! Right across his skull. I see blood seeping thru his cheap mask.
"TABLE!!!! TABLE!!!! TABLE!!!!"
I throw the phony back in the ring. Then toss the table in behind him. There is this move I always wanted to try. I lay him on the table and pick up a ladder. I piledrive the ladder into the otherdog's ribs and break the table.
"Fuck You Greg!!!!!!
He knows my name? He's trying to get up but I kick him in the head.
"Y...you think you are so tough. I'm the one who overcame the odds. I'm a hero!!!!"
He is hitting me in the stomach but not doing anything to me. I grab him and hit the Overkiller. I'm about to grab the ladder when I see Bleached Evil, Bingwen and Freefall.
Skull and Deathrock attack Freefall. X-ILE is fighting the little chinaman. Me I have my hands full with Bleached Evil. This guy is bigger than me, stronger than me and faster than me. If this was 86 he would be no problem, even 96 I could take him. But today this guy is too much for me.
"Sergent it is unfortunate you are opposing me again. I truly hate to hurt you. You would be a valuable addition to my collection."
"Like I would be caught dead with you freaks."
"Yes it appears you have already made friends with Morris and his band of sycophants."
As this discussion is going on he has been whipping me pillar to post. He is trying to ddt me on to the floor but I'm fighting it. Looks like those idiots fought off the House. Because Evil just let go of me and went after X-ILE. X-ILE tries to kick him but Bleached Evil caught his leg.
That's Sarge and Ruination. They're fighting the House of Bleach. Why are they helping Sarge? Or why is Sarge helping them? Sarge just clotheslined X-ILE and Bleached Evil. What the?????
Forgot about otherdog he just rolled me up. Doesn't matter it is a ladder match. I start kicking and punching him. I prop the ladder up in the corner and throw the impostor into it. I set up another table and lay the impostor on it. I prop the ladder up in the corner and climb it.
SMASH!!!!! I just jumped off the top rope with the ladder and crushed him.
I climb the ladder but before I grab the DEATHcore title I look down at the impostor. He's bleeding laying in a pile of debris. He is clutching that cheap knock off mask and whimpering.
"It's that mask. If I had that mask I would be the champ. I overcame the odds........"
I make a decision on the spot. I take off my mask. I look into the audience and a lot of people look shocked. I look at the mask still in my hand and realize I don't need it anymore. I throw it at the impostor and take my belt.