Monday, November 29, 2010

Savage Sports Stories Day 36


I had grabbed Johansen by his scrawny neck and was going to lay a beating on him. Til he called in DinoWAR. The W*RE tag team champions. The bigger one named T-Wrex came at me first. I hit him with a lamp. To his credit it barely slowed that big fucker down. But I know enough to stay on him. But I was attacked from behind by Carnivore. They lay a really bad beating on me. Before they can double chokeslam me thru Johansen's desk I get saved by these two goofballs I saw with that X-ILE and Morris guy earlier.

"I'm grateful for the assist but who the hell are you boys."

"Ha I'm DeathRock."

"And I'm Skull."

"So why did you decide to save me. You two don't strike me as the altruistic types."

"Yeah Martin said we should help you and stop uh Dinodudes from killing you and stuff."

"Ain't that sweet of him. Why does he care what happens to me?"

"You should ask him yourself sir. He pays us and we do what he tells us."

Before I could go find Martin Morris I hear a commotion in the ring. The kid found out who stole his belt, but turned out he stole more than that. He stole Overdog's identity.

I walk up to the kid as he is helped to the back.

"C'mon Sarge I know where they are. Let's go get em!!!!"

"Kid they have got us outnumbered and you have already wrestled and take a big beating. We can't get the belt back. Not yet anyway."

"Then what are we gonna do?"

Wish i had a better answer for the kid.


I'm hurting all over. Sarge does not want to attack the House of Bleach directly. Said there was another way.

"Sarge what are we doing at Mr.Johansen's office?"

"Look you did not sign a contract as Overdog, you signed it as Greg Richards. Johansen has pay stubs and stuff like that. We should have it back soon enough."

"What are you doing back here?!? You think those goofs will keep protecting you?"

What does he mean by that? Why would Sarge of been here earlier?

"Sergent Sargent does not need protection from a rich sissy like you."

"What do you want Sergent?"

"The kid's belt was stolen by some scrub claiming to be Overdog. You sign the checks and can clear this up."

"Well you know I like Overdog. Whoever he maybe. But I don't like interfering in my wrestlers business."

I need to speak up.

"But you interfere all the time. Like when you forced Ike Simmons to wrestle Monolith with his arm tied behind his back and blindfolded!!!!"

"Kid stay outta this."

"But Sarge??"

"Johansen just remember you could have avoided this."

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